Mar 22, 2005 00:18
It's Monday night and I'm sitting here at the DG shack just chillin. This weekend was not too bad. Thursday was St. Patty's day. I had a couple beers with a sister in her dorm room, came back to the house to get ready to go out and was wrapped up in a couple of things that were going on around here.. so I didn't go out. No biggie. On Friday I cleaned the house for our CDC, who was an awesome lady and I just hung around here and watched movies and stuff. Saturday was RPW 2.. I had to leave early to go to work and when I was on my way out one of my sisters pointed out the my license plate was missing; Someone Stole It.. Not cool. I worked Saturday night and Sunday, didn't go out at all. Sunday night was meeting. Monday I was unable to go to class because I didn't have a car. I made it to the Secretary of State office later in the day to get my license plate and then went to a COM 479 class which was very interesting. Now I'm just hanging out... should be studying for my test but I'm not.
SideNote for Miss JLM: I'm not sure what is up with us and I'm not sure that you care. I know that I miss talking to you and I wish with all my heart that you were coming to visit me next week and going to see Kenny Chesney with me like you said you would. I understand that your relationship is very important, but I liked to think that our friendship was too. I'm not so sure anymore.