Nov 07, 2002 14:14
As it was a few days ago is no more. I am no longer so depressed as I was, but instead am rising on the upbeat in a matter of speaking; that is the song in my life now envelopes me again- and it is she. It is a good yet weird feelings to be able to turned emotionally to something so different from what I was through just getting an email or knowing how she feels or whatever it may be- I love the feeling and yet it's just so powerful in the rawest form- that if used wrong (although I would never doubt it's intent as such) it could cause great damage in a very quick time period.
In any case I figured it was about time to sign on and make a short post, just updating my attitude for myself and in some part also for my friends who read about me here. This place helps me visualize my life in a whole different perspective, much as how she helps me with everything I do. Many of my friends argue about the real intention of live journal (i.e., is it a public forum for people to comment toward each other, is it a medium for mud-slinging, it is private like a normal diary or journal) I really in fact think that it is a medium for creativity, stepping back and seeing things with more thought and consciousness. This is what I for the most part use mine for, for more clarity- clarity is important to have.
Updating once again what's up...I think the most weighty reason for my having been depressed the last few days was my job. UPS is a downer in the broadest sense. If you wanna feel like shit- work there- I guarantee (at least if you are anything like I am) that you will be depressed within a week of it or so.
Well anyway, time is the fire in which we burn, gotta go, pleasant tidings for current perspectives or persuasions