Oct 10, 2002 23:05
I know I said that my journal would be totally friends only for the rest of it's existence or whatever, but I am feeling too ecstatically in love right now. I feel the world needs to know about what I'm feeling and such and I want to express and shout it out for everyone to hear.
I have been doing a lot of thinking about my life, and especially my love life in the past few months or more. I have had too many experiences with stupid shit in the past few months as well, some of which I definitely regret for doing or whatever (e.g., agreeing to try out UPS- mistake #1) .
nonetheless- all irrelevant in the scheme of what I'm trying to express to everyone.
What I needed to say is that something set me off finally, something I was waiting to hear/ waiting for. It happened today. I have finally figured out with 200% sure-ity who it is I want to spend my life with forever. I'm sure those of you that know me can figure it out. If not- your loss I suppose (for not knowing me that is-- :::Grin:::)
I decided with all certainty who I love more than anything in existence. The one girl that I know I can trust and know is the one I would do anything for and would give anything to have in my arms. Jillian is amazing. I had doubts on and off for a while to be honest, more of trust issues because of past relationships, or just stupid head shit- not even many things that were reasonable problems with the whole thing. I did have a few problems, with just one or two small things, but those have now been proven totally obsolete and the relationship has bloomed at this point to where it could never get before. I love one girl with all my heart, and that heart is raised to her for the taking. It's Ok because in return I know I'll have her heart to live with (and it will be all better). I love one girl, totally and poetically. by poetically, I mean more that she writes poems with my emotion, something no other girl has ever been able to do.
I love feeling her thought, I love knowing the maker of the music in my soul. I love the smiles, I love the tears, I love the energy and breathe it brings to me.
I love it in every way, and in every thing I do.
her and I are the same
I am like her
nay, I am LOVE her.
the nerds has spoken.
P. S. - if you take but only one piece of my advice in your life people,
take this...
Find the one for you, find them and be certain of it.
it will set you free inside like no other essence in life can.