RPlessness rant

May 02, 2007 21:45

So, because my usual main outlet of RP energies has no intarwebs for an indeterminate amount of time, I find myself, once again, seeking RP.

Unfortunately for me, the only place I know where to look is Gaia, and people there are either are waaaay below me (eg: omg thaz amasin! sed honey to whuts your charas name agin?) or waaaaay too full of themselves (eg: Her silver-gilded optics shone like opals in the diffused, dusky, sparkling moonlight, her opulent busom heaved, excitements racing through her like the vapors that shrouded her. And so on for another fifty paragraphs)

Of course when I do find somebody, they're from the other side of the freakin' planet and our schedules never match up, which doesn't help at all.
There are some people, of course, who are a good match literacy wise but it usually turns out that we don't play any of the same fandoms which is sad.

I think, really, the worst part of it is that most people's response is basically: "Lol! you should watch animes then! ha ha ha!"
I don't like anime. Why would I watch something I don't like just for maybe getting RP out of it? That would be the same as me trying to tell people: "Well you should read these twelve comics, these fifteen books and watch these twenty movies, because that's what I play, you should be exactly the same."

So that's that, if I'm talking to you and I get snippy for no apparent reason, this would be it. I've got ... *fingercounts* at least six very loud voices in my head that aren't able to get out and vent like they usually do, and aside from that, it's plotbunny breeding season, so even writing those down as quickly as I can to get them out and still save them for later, it's not a fun place in my head right now.
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