Stuff and things

Jan 12, 2007 15:30

Hokay, so, postcard project o'Doom update: I suck at starting things + My room's been in turmoil as of late due to windows needing to be replaced and having to pack everything up, so I haven't had time to buy stamps, hopefully soon though! I might just end up sending all the January ones in one lump at the end of the month and the rest'll be on time after that.

And here, have a survey because Sage said so.


01. Have you ever really cried your heart out?
Yeahonce, over a teenage crush that doesn't seem as bad now as it did then.
Literally tho? Ouchie.

02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Occasionally, sure, figure if you haven't you're not human.

03. Have you ever cried on your friend's shoulder?

04. Do you cry when you get an injury?
I'm a wimp. Yes. Sometimes even when it's just like, a papercut.


01. Are you a happy person?
I try to be, no real sense in spending an already short life being angry. Unless of course I'm really angry.

02. What can always make you happy?
See answer to #5 below. Also: most fancrack. Yay for Milliways.

03. Do you wish you were happier?
Doesn't everyone? It's the whole 'grass is always greener' syndrome.

04. Is being happy overrated?

05. Can music make you happy?
Sometimes. Unless I'm in a REAL sulk. Then it takes kittens. Maybe singing kittens. Singing 'Glad that I'm not soluble' because srsly, no one can be sad and watch that vid. Look it up, s'on


01. How many times have you had your heart broken?
Maybe once? It was a teenage crush tho, so it doesn't seem as bad now as it did then.

02. Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for the person?
If you don't, you're a heartless bastard.

03. Anyone besides your friends/family ever said they loved you?
I guess? I dunno, the way I see it, if someone's saying they love me, they probably are a friend and/or family.


01. Are you in a relationship?

02. Are you happy?
I know what I like.

03. Do you look at other girls/guys?
Not sure what you really mean by this question. Besides the one I'm involved with? See above.
Guys, yes, other girls (since I am a girl) Ayup. Them too.

04. Think you're honest?
Er, in relationships? I guess, see above.

05. Been cheated on?
No, see above

06. Have a crush on a person?
Pfffft, gimmie a phonebook


01. Who do you actually hate?
I don't know that I actually hate anyone, at least not with the burning hate of a thousand angry suns.

02. Have you ever made a hit list?
..... no.

03. Are you a mean bully?
No, I'm a stone-cold bitch. Duh.

04. Do you like George Bush?
Which one? Not that it matters much, I don't particularly care for either of them.


01. Are you good looking?
I like to think so, and Sage said: "STFU! You're pretty." So I'll go with that. Sage, ever the voice of reason.

02. Do you wish you could be someone else?
When I was younger I wanted to be Evil Princess Leia, because even when I was six I knew evil had more fun. Now? Meh, someone with more money and less problems than I've got.

[] done drugs
[] ridden in a taxi.
[] jumped a ramp on a bike
[] been used.
[] been fired
[] snuck into a movie.
[] got hit by a car
[] fired a real gun.
[] been arrested.
[] celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World
[] gone on a blind date.
[] had a crush on a teacher
[] celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans.
[] been to Europe.
[] been to Australia
[] been to Hawaii
[] skipped school.
[] thrown up from drinking
[x] played 'Clue'.
[x] had a sleepover.
[x] gone ice skating.
[] had your tonsils out.
[] have/had a TRUCK.
[x] driven a car.
[] totaled a car.
[] been flashed


01. Clothes?
Pyjammas. Green/pink plaid pants, red RHPS sweatshirt

02. Shorts?
ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE? IT'S JANUARY! and besides that my family doesn't believe in turning on the heater or something.

03. Shoes?
Argyle kitten socks.

04. Underwear?
Pffffft, no.

05. Necklace?
Nope, usually though it's my watch.


01. Hugged someone?
I give free hugs. Srsly tho, I do.

02. Been on the phone until the sun came up?
Uh.... nope. Not that I can remember

03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour?
Once or twice, sure

04. Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?


01. Person you talked to in person?
I chuffed voicelessly at my dad this morning, does that count?

02. Person you last talked to online?
Because I haven't answered Amber's ping yet, Sage, but right now, Sage and Amber are the only ones in my boxes, soyeah.

03. Person you talked to on the phone?
Uh, the machine at work 'cos I called in sick due to twitchiness/fever/lack of voice? Actual person, uh... my dad on the phone last night to come pick me up from werks.

04. Person you talked to on text?
my brother? I dunno

05. Person who made you laugh?
Millichat in general.

06. Person messaged you on myspace?
Eeeeeew, myspace is full of stalkers and stuff.

07. Last time you had a shower?
Uh, last night? After work.


01. Do you like surveys?

02. What kind of shampoo do you use?
I'd rather have real poo thanks. But only so I don't have to admit to using American Girl 2-in-1 conditioning shampoo, fresh apple scent

03. Do you get along with your parents?
Most of the time, yes. When I'm not tho.... well, it's a war zone.

04. Do you have mental breakdowns?
I did once, yes. Well, once and a half. Burst into tears one morning because I didn't want to take care of the DEMONCHILDFROMHELL! anymore, and almost again when a Tour Guide assistant job was too much for me.

05. Did you ever fake being sick?
Uh, who hasn't?


01. Current Mood:
Sickish. Stuffyheaded and mostly voiceless. Other than that, happy, and cold, because we don't believe in turning on the fucking heater apparently.

02. Current hair:
Uh, washed? Held back in a headband so it doesn't get in my eyes? Frizzy for sure.

03. Current Thing I Ought To Be Doing:
Cleaning my room. Or eating something, haven't done that in a while.

04. Current song:
That I'm listening to? My cat snoring. That I consider 'mine'? Inside Your Heart from BatBoy: The Musical.

05. Current desktop picture?
Gael Garcia Bernal's face. Biggysize. (OMGHISEYESRSOPURDY!)
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