I am so tired. I need to take a break from learning. I swear that if I try to cram one more little fact into my head today it WILL explode.
Gred has decided that he will put aside livejournal because he doesn't have time for it anymore. Well for now at least. I don't blame him, I barely have enough time for it, The teachers are going crazy with reveiwing stuff we learned all through the year, and preparing us for the final exams.
I'm going to ask Gred if he wants to stay with me this summer.
I wish there was a common room of all common rooms. that way I could study with people from other houses in other places besides the library, the librarian is paranoid, she always shushes us.
I saw Hermione today, I forgot to ask her where young wizards and witches go to school. Maybe I'll look it up or something.
I found draco's journal:
draco_m He's a pureblood, right? maybe I'll just go bug him. Well I'm off on my mission of annoyingness,
Dryadana Fyre