So, has everyone heard the news?

Apr 22, 2015 00:14

In the comics, at least, one half of our dynamic duo has come out (sort of). Shawn Ashmore offered his congratulations, though again it's Earth-616 time-shifted teenage Bobby that's gay, not movie-verse Bobby.

Any thoughts/responses? I've seen a number of people commenting here and there that the fanfic creative juices just started flowing again, and there had already been a bit of a burst when Days of Future Past came out last year so perhaps this will pull some more of us back to writing again. Speaking of DoFP, it's nice to see that there's been some activity on here, even with LJ dying its slow death... I should do a search around and see where everyone has gone, I guess.

I do still work on my own fic, and perhaps this will spur me back into action (although, I've said that many times and only made piecemeal progress). But... I'm off work and grad school this summer, so maybe I'll actually have time to get back into it if I can wrench the muse into place. You might see some more of Spiral, after all.

To be honest with all you Bobby/John shippers, the project has evolved quite a bit since I started posting it on here. The Spiral concept was maybe a misnomer... in my mind it was always more like a set of helices rotating around the same point... or maybe they are all spiraling in towards a common intersection at some point in the timeline? Alas, perhaps I should just avoid framing it in metaphor altogether. Part of the reason the project is so slow moving, beyond just a lack of time, is the fact that Bobby and John were just two of the characters - central, yes, but still just two among a number who's stories I wanted to follow. Justin, Aleks, and Wanda of course, but also Northstar, Karma, Emma Frost, and perhaps a couple others. The storylines will never be told all in the same arc, but there would be intersections. A couple years ago, I started re-writing the beginning of Spiral to accomodate this vision. I was always unhappy with the beginning of my fic - there were aspects of it that were too Gary Stu with Justin even if back then I only wanted to use him as a plot mover - a vehicle to get Bobby to come out and to cause an incident that would somehow lead to Bobby and John together again. As I wrote, though, things evolved. I'm ten years or so older now (god, it's hard to believe that...), and I think I've become a better writer with (hopefully) better perspective.

We shall see what develops from all this, both from all of you and from me. Cheers for Bobby, and cheers to all of you fans and authors who have been part of our community over the years!

mod post, discussion, author: lux_apollo

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