Fic dumb

Mar 04, 2010 01:05

I've finally found the time to sort my commentfics and thought I'd post them here :)

Title:bunch of untitled fics :)
Author: smaragdbird
Rating: PG-13

Notes/Warnings: Written for comment_fic
sex, violence, character death and occaisionally caries inducing fluff

Sidepairings include but aren't limited to: Rogue/Logan, Remy/Logan, John/Remy, Rogue/Bobby or Rogue/Remy/Logan. Focus is on the boys, though.

Here at my journal

And some proper fic, too :)

Title:At the beginning with you
Rating: PG-13
Prompt:Did you ever regret standing by my side? Did you forget what we were feeling inside?
Spoilers: none
Summary: “I worked so hard for that first kiss
And a heart don’t forget something like that
Like an old photograph
Time can make a feeling fade
But the memory of a first love
Never fades away.”
Tim McGraw

Notes/Warnings: THis is unbeated as it is a commentfic that went seriously out of hand. It's spell-checked though, so I hope it won't be too bad

Written this for the comment_fic using the prompt X-Men, Pyro/Iceman, Did you ever regret standing by my side? Did you forget what we were feeling inside?

Here at my journal

Title:I love you forever, forever is over
Rating: PG
Prompt:X-Men, Pyro/Iceman, I love you forever, forever is over(Boys like Girls)
X-Men, Pyro/Iceman, mutants are finally accepted
Spoilers: none
Summary: Promises and politics can mix sometimes.

Notes/Warnings: This is unbeated as it is a comment_fic. It's spell-checked though, so I hope it won't be too bad.

Ahem, warning for unashamed fluff?

Here at my journal

Title:What it is to burn
Rating: R
Prompt:X-Men, Pyro/Iceman, You may glare at him for the way he looks
Like something drawn out from hell
But that's just his cover (Imogen Heap - Angry Angel)
Spoilers: none
Summary: Neither of them can burn.

Notes/Warnings: This is unbeated as it is a comment_fic. It's spell-checked though, so I hope it won't be too bad.

Title from the song of the same name by Finch

Here at my journal
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