Title: With a whimper
Author: Amaroqwolf_inc
Rating: pg-13.
Synopsis: When the Mutant Registration act goes into effect, things change very rapidly. And our Mutant hero's are in for some Dark Days ahead.
JudasMalfoy inspired me to write this, Each Chapter has a song for it. I will post the song and who did it at the head of each chapter so you can either A. find it and Download it. Or B. Just know what song I'm using LOL!
Song for: Prologue and Chapter 1: Dazed and Abused by Seether
Song for Chapter 2: Lies By Evenescence.
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Amaroqwolf_inc Chapter Two: Lies.
Song Lies by Evenescence.
When the Mutant Registration Act passed, they told us lies, they told us nothing would change that they just wanted to know what we could do. They promised it wouldn't be a way to hunt us down. I suppose we should of seen through there lies but, we never did. Not till it was too late, not till Jean Gray lay Dead. Not till Cyclops was shattered. Not till there were concentration camps and they were banging on our door. My Dad always told me that things never changed, that someday just like during World War II The Gestapo came to the Jewish doorway and forced them into the streets.
They swore to us that's not what it would be like but again all lies. Lies our mothers told us to make us feel safe, we know now that it was all lies. From the day our powers manifested till the night me and Bobby Drake ran through the woods with US Soldiers trying to follow us. Till the night when I watched him freeze a man to death to save me from being raped. We had no idea who of the institute had survived this violent attack and who was now dead, and who resided in the concentration camps out somewhere in the Midwest. We ran, we didn't stop we manged just barley to make the boarders before they closed them down. Our goal was to find Logan, if he was still alive. I believe he is still alive, because for one his healing factor, we've seen him stand up to the phoenix and walk away with out a scratch. He had to be alive. At least that was my hope.
We never expected to be really safe, but the white haired teen who showed up one night spoke of a gathering of mutants in the Canadian Rockies. A safe place to prepair for the war. A war we never wanted to fight. Me and Bobby we discussed it for days while sitting in freezing rain.
I made the decision when the Mutant brigade found our camp and almost caught us. With out even a word to Bobby I headed North. Unprepaired, was an understatement but we made it somehow. We made it into the Rockies and with Pietro's direction's, the white haired youth who'd told us were to go stumbled into the camp, cold, starving and weak. And a shock was delivered in the first 10 minutes there. First Magneto was there like Pietro had said he would be and then he was hugging us both. Telling us it would be okay. Telling us we would be safe. He offered us warm clothes, food and beds. We took them readily.
The last thing either of us expected to see was John. The first attack from the humans on Mutant kind had been to destroy the house the brotherhood of mutants had been in. Those that hadn't died in the explosion had been taken to the camps. John had not been listed at the camps which had meant only one thing that he was dead. But then he was there outside the tent looking terrified, I could see in his eyes he expected us to turn him away but we were all in one boat now. We all needed each other. With out even questioning it I grabbed him and pulled him into the tent him and hugged him. It made my heart feel warm when Bobby joined us in the hug.
Our group, our threesome was complete again. I was happy, I was complete. Now if only things could go back to the way they were five years ago.
I swear by God this sacred oath
that I shall render unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler,
the Führer of the German Reich and people,
supreme commander of the armed forces,
and that I shall at all times be ready,
as a brave soldier,
to give my life for this oath.
Hitlers Oath