Prompts Please

Mar 18, 2008 15:55

Hi there. I've noticed that a few popele have prompt lists that they're writing off of, and I thought It was a decent enough Idea, so I'd like to have some prompts form you. Not neccicrily for drabbles, but I'll write somehitng for each prompt, varying in length, and post it here when I get done. It'll also probably be posted on livejournal wiht each prompt being a chapter. Try to use only single subjects please, so I have room for interpretation. And make it interesting, too. PLease post no more than 5.

So far I have: (Submitted By:)
-Safety Pins (By Me) [Current Projects, should be finished night, but since I'm sick and left school early, it all depends.]
-Utility Knife
-pen (Bf)
-Sword (Bf)
-Drag Queen (Bf)
-Fighting on a Sinking ship (Talktooloose)
-Kaleidoscope (Verde_Speaks)
-Black Bile (lux_apollo) 
-Gyrating on the dance floor (Blackeyedwicca) [I'm not sure abo this one, It's been done several times before, Sorry]
-In the middle of a gun fight (Blckeyedwicca)
- Wishing for the impossible (Blackeyedwicca)
-Falling Off a Cliff (twighlightr) *COMPLETED*
-You're the first think I think about at night, before I go to bed; and you're the first thing I think about in the morning, when I wake up. Unless I hit my head on the fan, that is. (bf) [Special thanks to him, made me feel better when I was too sick to come to school this morning]

misc.: et cetera

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