Eleven ways X2 and two ways X3 didn't go Part Three

Jan 20, 2008 11:29

TITLE:Eleven ways X2 and two ways X3 didn't go

AUTHOR/ARTIST: smaragdbird


PAIRING:John/Bobby Bobby/Rogue hinted Rogue/Logan or other pairings are possible

SUMMARY and/or WARNINGS: the title is pretty self-explanatory, I think.

NOTES:I know I'm being mean for number nine but I just couldn't decide, sorry

A big thank you to all my reviewers!!! XOXO

7.Gone forever

The three of them sat silently in the jet. John played with his lighter, the constant click, click was the only noise in the room. Rogue shivered and pressed herself tighter against Bobby who took her hand. John rolled his eyes and stood up.

‘I’m sick of you two love doves.’ He declared in disgust, grabbed a jacket and headed out, not listening to Bobby’s or Rogue’s protest.

‘You should go after him.’ Rogue said to Bobby.

‘I’m not his nanny. If he wants to run into his own misery it’s his choice. I’m sick of having to put up with him.’ Bobby answered exhaustedly: ‘I did it too often in the last months.’

‘But he’s your friend. You should go. He’s hurt and he needs you. I’ll wait here.’ Rogue urged him. Bobby was surprised by the soft understanding in her voice. Sometimes it was as if she understood John better than he did.

‘You’re sure? I don’t want to leave you alone here.’

‘Bobby, I’m very able to take care of myself and I’ll stay here. It’s not like I’m running of to the dam as soon as you’re out of the door.’ She smiled sadly at him, but he didn’t understand, as he did so often and maybe it was his innocence that had drawn her to him, and gave him a little shove.


‘John! JOHN!’ Bobby yelled, white surrounding him. A harsh wind ripped at his clothes but he didn’t feel cold, simply because he never felt cold. His eyes scanned the area feverishly, to him it all looked more or less the same: lots of white with a few dark spots in between that weren’t covered yet, but there! One dark spot was moving, away from the jet, so Bobby didn’t think long before he stumbled towards it through the snow, yelling John’s name. John didn’t stop but as Bobby came nearer he could make out John’s dark hair and the sweat trousers he’d given him.

‘John, please stop.’ Bobby jogged the few last metres between them and pulled John around with a hand on his shoulder.

‘John, come on, talk to me. What’s this all about? And don’t tell me that you want to help the others because this is not the direction to the dam.’

‘What do you care?’ John replied defiantly: ’Go back to your little girlfriend. Bet she waits anxiously for your return, well yours or Wolverine’s.’

‘Why you are still mad, that I got her and not you? Never saw you so worked up over a girl before.’

‘You don’t know me.’ John stated icily and started to turn around again but Bobby stopped him.

‘Then tell me. Tell me what I’ve done wrong.’ Bobby’s fingers curled around John’s arm, his voice became softer, lower as he asked:

‘What can I say or do to make things like they were before?’

‘I love you.’ John spat out like an insult and shoved Bobby away from him.

‘Go. Be disgusted or whatever, but Leave. Me. Alone.’

When Bobby remained to stare shocked at him, John threw him a cruel/triumphant/self-hating look and stalked away through the snow. Bobby came to his senses in time to catch up with him.

‘John, please stop. We can talk about this.’

‘It’s always talking with you, Bobby. Some things can’t be talked through, some things need to be left alone and need time until it’s dead and buried.’

‘But you don’t have to leave, we can still be friends, can’t we?’ Bobby asked desperately:

‘You don’t have to…argh.’


Bobby instinctively yanked his arms and hands around his head before he fell to the ground.


He could see that John made a protective move towards him, before he fell too.


He could hear screams but he couldn’t tell whether they were his own or maybe John’s or some else’s.


Through the haze he could feel hand in his and he gripped it hard because if he let go he was sure his life would end






Decades after the ‘Mutant Genocide’ hikers would find the skeletonized remains of two young men near Alkali Lake, whose bony hands lay onto the other. They would be moved to a museum and the world would remember them as the ‘Alkali Lake Couple’ and write several books about them, but they would never know the truth because no one lived anymore who could remember.

8. Beautiful Goodbye

Bobby sat outside the tent in the darkness. Everyone else was asleep as usual since no one beside Bobby suffered that badly from insomnia.

‘Have you ever tried not to be a mutant?’

‘We love you despite that Bobby.’

His parents with Ronnie at the window.

The cops shooting Logan.

Bobby raised his knees to his chest and hid his head between them and his arms, tears slipping easily from his eyes.

He had never felt so alone in his whole life.

‘Shh.’ Soothing hands rubbed over his shoulders and warm arms slipped over his, embracing him, holding him against a warm, comforting body, rocking him as if he was a little child and leaned into the offered warmth, the offered comfort. His head fit in the hollow between John’s neck and shoulder and Bobby could smell his best friend like he hadn’t in a long time: lighter fluid, ashes, sweat and something dark and heavy that Bobby couldn’t define.

His tears wetted John’s skin and shirt and maybe it was uncomfortable to have Bobby’s weight pressed against him but his arms stayed steadily around him and the soothing sounds and rocking never stopped.

‘It’s going to stop one of these days.’ John promised him with his lips brushing Bobby’s ear:

‘Someday you’ll wake up and it won’t hurt anymore.’

‘When?’ Bobby whispered through his tears.


‘Can you make it stop?’ he sounded like a little, frightened child but he couldn’t care less in this moment. All that mattered was what John promised him.

‘No, I can’t but I can help you.’

Bobby turned his head slightly so that he could look at John, whose eyes seemed to be even darker than the gloominess that surrounded them. Bobby remembered that they all were made out of star dust and maybe John’s eyes were made of the star dust that came from the lightless abyss at the edge of the universe, because nothing else could be that dark.

Those abyss eyes looked at him and said:

‘Hate them, bobby. You have to hate them. It will hurt as long as you love them, but hate dies away, so you have to hate them.’ His lips brushed over Bobby’s in a chaste kiss before he whispered:

‘Promise me you’ll hate them.’

And in this moment between delusion and sleep, where Bobby clung to John’s words like to a lifeline, he did.

‘I promise.’

John laughed shortly and humourlessly and his arms tightened their hold around Bobby’s body. He laid a hand over Bobby’s eyes that were red and swollen from crying.

‘Sleep Bobby.’ He said softly: ‘Just sleep.’

And as Bobby relaxed against him, John pressed a kiss on Bobby’s hair and whispered words that Bobby could not understand.

‘You’ll have to hate me, too Bobby.’

‘You’re always doing what you’re told?’ John asked with a last knowing look at Rogue and maybe he did know something about her Bobby didn’t know but that could wait until later.

‘John, wait!’

Bobby caught his best friend a few steps outside the jet. John shivered violently in the icy weather despite his jacket while Bobby felt perfectly fine, well except for the fact that his best friend wanted to leave him.

‘What do you want Bobby?’

‘I want you to stay. You could get killed in there, no one’s going to be impressed by that.’

John shook his head, laughing humourlessly and rolled his eyes.

‘I’m leaving, Bobby. No matter what you’re saying I’m leaving.’

‘But why?’

‘I know it was my fault that this thing between us ended and I’m kinda glad Rogue showed up but I still like you and there’s a green monster inside my stomach that screams and rattles its scales every time I see you two together. It was okay though, until last night. To know that I could still have you despite everything that happened between us...’ John fidgeted nervously from one foot to the other:’ As I said I still like you. The whole let’s be friends thing was nice but let’s face it Bobby it’s not the right thing for us.’

‘There’s nothing I can say to make you stay, right?’ Bobby asked, emotions clouding his voice.

‘Nothing.’ John agreed and brushed a tear from Bobby’s cheek.

‘Hey.’ He said softly: ‘Maybe in a few years we can really be friends. It’s not forever.’

‘No, it’s not.’ Bobby croaked out with such a lack of conviction that he could have as well said Once you’re gone I’ll never see you again.

John’s hand slid over Bobby’s cheek before he leaned in and kissed him. It felt like it had always felt: warm, deep, like falling into the heart of a star, but it didn’t last. John slid easily out of Bobby’s grasp and stepped away from him.

‘Remember Bobby, you promised to hate me.’

9. The tightrope between life and death

Whether it was the boys shock over Wolverine’s mutation or if he just was a really bad marksman they would never know. It also was completely unimportant whether it was the first or the last reason, the only thing that mattered was that he did shoot and that he did miss Wolverine and that he did hit Bobby.

In the first moment after the policeman had fired everyone was confused since Wolverine still stood there, apparently unharmed. Then, like in slow motion Bobby slumped down, falling backwards against John who cried out in surprise as his friend’s body connected with his and sent them both to the ground.

Time jumped back into a normal speed when the first scream ripped itself from Bobby’s throat and tore through the air.

Blood streamed out of nowhere and ran over his hands, or so it seemed to John, who still lay partly under Bobby. He creeped out under Bobby when he saw the wound: The bullet had hit Bobby in the stomach. The guy had been aiming for Wolverine’s head, how in the world did he managed to hit Bobby there? John pressed his hands on the wound, ignoring Bobby’s screams and the hands that cramped around his arms.

‘You’re just gonna stand there?’ he yelled at no one in particular: ‘Get some help!’

Rogue was the first one to move. She ran inside, probably to call an ambulance. No matter how much they were competing over Bobby, John had always appreciated her instincts. He put a blood smeared hand on Bobby’s forehead and pressed his head against his chest in a vain attempt to keep him still.

‘It’s okay, Bobby.’ He tried to calm him. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see Wolverine, running over the lawn towards their car. Probably not the best transportation for a basket case but if the ambulance wouldn’t hurry the best chance Bobby had.

‘The ambulance will be here in no time.’ John reassured him: ‘I won’t let you die.’

‘It hurts.’ Bobby sobbed.

‘Shh, I know Bobby. I know but you have to believe me okay? We will bring you to a hospital. It’ll be okay.’

Rogue appeared back on the porch and kneeled down beside Bobby.

‘They’re coming.’ She said and John nodded.

‘You heard that Bobby? The ambulance is coming. Just hold on for a little longer. Can you do that for me?’

Bobby nodded shakily.

Wolverine appeared back on the porch, too, the car’s keys in his hand. He was about to say something when a female voice cried out and he could barely grab her before she was out of his reach.

‘Bobby, oh God Bobby.’ Madeline Drake cried out and pressed her hands over her mouth. Bobby didn’t seem to notice her. His eyelids fluttered and threatened to shut. Rogue cupped his face and said with only a hint of panic in her voice:

‘Stay awake, Bobby! You have to keep your eyes open, okay.’ Bobby barely moved his lips but his grip around John’s wrist tightened and John nodded to Rogue.

John gave Mrs. Drake a very dark look, her and the two other members of Bobby’s family the stood in the doorway to the porch and looked shocked. If it hadn’t been for the injured boy in his arms, he would’ve burned them all to ashes in mere seconds.

‘Who did this?’ The boy, Ronnie John remembered, asked.

‘You did.’ John growled. The boy jerked backwards.

‘No, I didn’t I never meant I didn’t want.’ He stuttered. Rogue left her place at Bobby’s side and took off her gloves.

‘It doesn’t matter what you wanted.’ She said icily: ‘You caused all this.’ And with that she placed her hands of each side of Ronnie’s face for a moment. And for that moment John wondered if she was till the Rogue who was always so scared about her powers, because in this moment she looked like an ancient vengeance goddess. Ronnie gasped and fell to his knees as she let go of him. They all could hear the sirens of the ambulance.

They sat together in the waiting room. Wolverine had managed to reach Storm and Jean and told them what had happened. Madeline Drake cried in her tissue, while her husband was busy staring at his shoes and Ronnie stared fearfully at Rogue, who sat next to John, her gloved hand in his. She seemed to regret her earlier action. John felt so anxious he could crawl up the walls. He wanted, he needed the comfort only fire could give him but he could neither draw a flame in here nor could he leave the room when a doctor could walk in and give them news about Bobby’s condition at any moment now.

By the way.’ He said to Rogue: ‘It was pretty impressive how you acted in the house. Most people,’ he gave the Drake family another dark glance: ‘would’ve either panicked or been petrified.’

‘You, too.’ She answered: ‘You seemed to be completely unfazed like you have done this before.’

‘A gentlemen doesn’t kiss and tell.’ John shot back, talking calmed him down, took his mind from things. When his little sister had been ill, he had told her stories so he could keep his mind from the fact that she was dying.

‘I am sorry, are you Robert Drake’s family?’ A woman in scrubs had appeared in the doorway of the waiting room.

John’s and Rogue’s hands tightened around each other when they all gathered around the doctor.

title: e, rating: pg-13, challenge: x2 au, author: smaragdbird

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