A Late Birthday Fic For Inootz

Jul 25, 2007 01:05

Title: Ice And Bees

Author: BlackEyedWicca aka Moi

Rating; Ummm NC-17….a lemon people SMUT ALERT!!!!

Pairing: John/Bobby….duh

Summary: Bobby and John find a swarm of bees, John wants to play target practice, Bobby is wary….when bees chase them well…..who knew romance and well sex could blossom? Did the bees?!?! An all bit late B’Day present for Inootz

AN: Happy late B’Day Inootz……ummm I hope you folks like…this was finished at nearly 1am so I’m sorry for any bad grammar.


It was a peaceful day at Xavier’s Mansion; all the students were home for the holidays or at the very least outside hanging at shopping malls, parks or cinemas. Very few had stayed indoors on such a day.  Two students from the school however were standing under a tree arguing, faces red and arms waving. Something was obviously annoying them.

“Damn it Bobby, I didn’t know your ‘kindness’ as you call it could extended to them.” Bobby glared at the fire mutant. “They’re living creatures John, I’m not about to let you barbeque half of them because your bored.” John gave him an annoyed look. “If I say its target practice would it make you feel any better?”

Bobby just crossed his arms and glared in response. Frowning John kicked the tree they were next to. “What do we do now Bobby, oh great protector of bugs that sting?” Rolling his eyes in annoyance Bobby went to respond when he heard a sound that made him look up. Paling he started to walk backwards, quickly flicking his eyes down to John he saw him pulling out his lighter.

Eyes widening he stopped moving backwards and instead ran forward grabbing John’s wrist and dragging him away just as the beehive erupted, thousands of bees spilling out and heading towards them. Running as fast as he could Bobby kept his hand fastened tightly on John’s wrist ignoring the feelings he got at the contact.

As he was running through the woods he had to wonder how strange it was to be running from bees in the middle of the day, inside the grounds of a mutant high school, dragging your best friend and crush…..just when he had thought his life couldn’t get any weirder.

“Bobby,” John said exasperated as he was being dragged through the trees. “Why the fuck are we running?” Bobby frowned but didn’t answer preferring to keep running. After a few seconds of silence John pulled backwards making Bobby lose his footing at the sudden jerk. Not able to stop himself he fell into John knocking them to the ground.

Bobby lay stunned for a few moments before two very important things made their way through his stupor. One; they were being chased by bees and two he was laying on top of John, his crush, his best friend and they guy who was sporting a very noticeable boner.

Turning around so he was leaning on his hands and knees over John he looked down to make sure that yes, in fact John was sporting an erection. Lifting his head to look at the other he expected to see John blushing or avoiding his gaze but much to his surprise the other was looking at him with a lazy smirk and hooded eyes. “Something on your mind Iceman?”

Bobby opened his mouth to speak but nothing but a few vowel sounds came out. Grinning John leaned up and caught the other teen’s lips in a kiss. Bobby gasped in shock and John happily took the opportunity to plunge his tongue into the others mouth. Both boys moaned at the affect the different body temperatures had on heighten the kiss.

Pulling back after a thorough exploration John leant back on his hands to whisper. “Don’t try and deny you want this Bobby, I’m not the only one noticeable aroused by it.” Bobby slowly looked down and blushed, John was right, not that he was denying it. Looking back at John he grinned. “Your right, I do want this.” Leaning down he gave John a quick kiss on the lips.

When Bobby pulled back John smirked. “Didn’t think you’d agree so soon, not that I’m going to complain.” Bobby was about to reply when a buzzing nose caught both mutant’s attention. Looking up they listened, soon enough the sound got closer. He heard John growl causing his attention to shift. Looking at the other’s annoyed face he asked. “Now can I kill them?” Bobby went to protest but when John leaned up and rubbed there arousals together Bobby moaned out a yes.

Whether it was in answer to the question or friction John didn’t care. Pulling out his lighter John flicked the flint wheel creating a flame. Smirking he quickly pushed Bobby off him before turning on the approaching bees. Letting a ball of flame catch in his hand he waited until the insects became visible.

Within seconds of there appearance he had thrown it charring at least twenty bees. Smirking he quickly formed another fireball making sure to aim for the closest and biggest amount of bees. After a few more throws he had charred most of the population but had managed to get at least twenty battle stings. When he lost another piece of skin to a bee he decided to call for reinforcements.

“Bobby, a little help here please?” Not turning around to see the others reaction he kept his fireballs going. After a few moments he was considering asking again when he felt cold air rush past his cheek. Turning to his left he saw Bobby standing next to him with a amused smile on his face. Turning to look at the bees John let a triumphant smirk cross his face as he looked at the last remainder of bees as they sat on the ground as bee popsicles.

He would have gone and stomped on the ice cubes but it was at that moment his body decided to remind him that he had taken at least thirty bee stings during the battle. A hiss escaped his lips as the pain from the stings started to become more pronounced. “I hate fucking bees.” He muttered under his breath. Hearing a laugh he turned to find a smiling Bobby. He just glared in response.

Looking down at his arm his glare intensified at the site of his bee stings. He was about to complain when he felt two arms snake around his waist. Stiffening he turned his head to look at Bobby who had a very mischievous smirk on his face. Leaning up Bobby whispered in his ear “I can make the pain go away….if you want me to.”

John nodded slowly as Bobby untangled himself, pushing John up against one of the trees. Mischievous grin still in place Bobby whispered in his ear. “Close your eyes John.” John gave him a skeptical look making Bobby roll his eyes. John leaned and kissed his nose making Bobby blush, smirking John complied closing his eyes.

Blush fading Bobby slowly made an ice cube form in his hand. Taking a deep breath to steady himself for what he was going to do he leaned up and started kissing John’s neck while placing the ice cube on his arm, rubbing it across the bites. A small moan escaped John’s lips making Bobby smirk into the hicky he was placing on the other boy’s neck.

Making sure to keep the ice cube from melting completely Bobby continued rubbing John’s arm with ice as he kissed and sucked his neck. Only stopping briefly to attack the other side of John’s neck and to change which arm the ice cube covered. When both arms had been attacked he pulled back and receiving a grunt of annoyance that he ignored, instead taking off John’s shirt and throwing it behind him.

Creating another ice cube, this time putting it between his lips he leant down and ran his lips and the ice cube across John’s stomach creating a shiver and a groan from the fire mutant beneath him, his lips couldn’t help but smirk against the others skin. Continuing to brush John’s stomach until the ice cube melted Bobby couldn’t help but feel even more aroused at the power he currently had over John.

Creating another ice cube he smirked and plopped it in his mouth before moving to John’s right nipple. Taking it in his mouth he let the ice cube and his tongue roll over the already sensitive nub. John groaned and muttered a “Fuck” Only further fueling Bobby’s want to have John scream.

Waiting until the ice cube had melted he pulled back making another and performing the same torture to John’s left nipple. When all he got was a groan he pouted before pulling back. Looking over John he didn’t know why he felt so bold all of a sudden but he didn’t care, he wanted it, John wanted it and fuck, he was going to do it.

Getting off John he watched the other’s eyes open lazily to watch him. Taking a mental deep breath he brought his hands to the base of John’s pants. He felt John’s gaze on him become stronger but he didn’t stop, bringing his hands underneath the material he grabbed both the boxers and pants lowering them until they reached John’s ankles.

Letting go of the material he let his eyes travel up the others body, lingering over his very aroused member before looking at his face. John had a small smirk on his face as he lent against the tree. Getting his previous confidence back Bobby crawled back up John and kissed his lips, John’s tongue tangling with his for a few moments before he pulled back.

Moving back down his kept his eyes locked on John’s body as he crawled backwards, he was thankful they were on top of thick green grass and not dirt and stones. When he reached his target he hovered above John for a few seconds before leaning down, letting his breath ghost over John’s member. The other mutant groaned lightly but otherwise didn’t react.

His confidence and determination returning he focused his concentration on making the inside of his mouth drop its temperature. Leaning down he licked the head making John shiver and whimper lightly. Deciding his mouth was sufficiently cold he slowly took John in. John let out a low moan and swore lightly at the effect of the temperature contrast much to Bobby’s enjoyment.

Placing his hands on John’s hips he hoped to god he would do it right. Taking more into his mouth he made sure to keep the temperature cold as he started twirling his tongue around John’s shaft. “Fuck Bobby.” He moaned out. Grinning Bobby let the cold in his mouth go back to normal well continuing to torture John’s hard member. He knew the constant temperature change would be increasing the pleasurable sensation.

When he felt John’s finger’s tangle in his hair he moaned, surprised when the action received very positive feedback. Smirking he moaned again changing the temperature as he did. “Fuck…..Bobby…Just….Fuck.” He felt John try and push up and increase the contact he stopped him by pressing harder on others hips.

Continuing with the teasing he sucked him lightly, filling the beginning shivers of John’s release. Smirking he pulled back make John groan in annoyance and glare up through lidded lust filled eyes. “Prick fucking tease.” Bobby laughed lightly before sitting up and smiling at him. “You know you love it.”

John snorted before letting a evil smirk cross his face. Bobby was instantly nervous but before he could react John had pounced on top of him and with one quick movement Bobby was shirtless. Smirking John playfully nipped and sucked Bobby nipples making the other squirm and moan.

Keeping him distracted John moved his hands down to Bobby’s pants and started removing his belt. He had just pulled it out when he felt the other tense underneath him. Pausing in his ministrants he looked down at Bobby curiously but when Bobby averted his eyes he frowned.

“Bobby?” When he didn’t get a response his eyes narrowed and his voice hardened, becoming sharper. “Bobby!”  Bobby’s head snapped up to John’s, he fear plain on his face. His annoyance turning to confusion John’s face softened. “Bobby….what’s the matter?” Bobby’s eyes once again found the floor.

John was about to ask again when his own mind answered the question. “You’re a virgin…aren’t you?” Bobby just nodded slowly, his body tensing up further if that was possible. Sighing lightly John did something completely uncharacteristic of him and leaned down to pull Bobby’s face up. When their eyes met he smiled. “I won’t hurt you and trust me; it’s worth it….but only if you really want it and only if you really want it with me.”

As Bobby looked at him he wanted to move away and shrug the moment off but he didn’t, he waited for Bobby’s reaction. After a few tense moments the other smiled. “I want it Johnny and I want it with you. I trust you.” John hid his relief behind a smirk before kissing Bobby on the lips lightly. “Your wish, Iceman, is my command.”

Grabbing the others pants again he waited for a reaction, when Bobby just smiled he pulled them down, revealing Bobby in all his glory. Booby blushed as John’s eyes practically mapped out his body. When they finally met each others eyes John eyes were filled with desire making his blush burn bright red.

“You do know that blushing makes the rest of your body redder too right?” If possible Bobby’s blush increased. Chuckling John moved closer and positioned himself outside Bobby’s entrance. When Bobby realized their positions his eyes widened, turning to look at John he gave him a worried look but John just winked.

Holding out his three fingers he said in both a commanding a husky tone. “Suck.” Bobby blinked but did as he was told. When Bobby tongue and mouth moved around his finger John was reminded of when it was sucking something else and had to use all his willpower not to moan.

When he was coated he pulled his fingers out and positioned them at Bobby’s entrance before slowly pushing one in. When Bobby had adjusted to the first finger he added a second, making a scissor motion to prepare the other teen as he did. Inserting a third finger he went further inside until he brushed the one thing he was looking for causing Bobby to let out a scream of pleasure.

Smirking he pulled his fingers out and gave Bobby a kiss on the neck as he slowly entered the other, muttering soothing words as he entered him. When he was completely inside he had to lean his head against Bobby and close his eyes to stop himself from moving, he didn’t want to hurt Bobby anymore then he had to.

After a few moments he felt Bobby move symbolizing he was ready, not having to tell him twice John slowly pulled out of Bobby before thrusting back in, his pace starting to slow to begin with but as Bobby’s moans got louder he started moving faster and deeper. With a cry of pleasure John grinned lightly, he had found Bobby’s prostate, making sure to hit there every time as he sped up his thrusts.

Snaking his arm around Bobby he started pumping the others neglected member, rubbing the tip occasionally to add to the friction. Not able to do more then groan he kept thrusting, his rhythm becoming hectic as his release came steadily closer. Thrusting in deep once again he hit Bobby’s prostate causing the other to scream John’s name as he came, his muscles clenching enough to send John over the edge, groaning out Bobby’s name as he did.

Collapsing to the ground in a heap John waited a few moments to catch his breath before pulling out of his best friend turned lover. Laying back on the grass he let the breeze help cool his sweat soaked body. “Wow.” Bobby muttered, John just grinned. “You’re not to bad yourself.” Bobby pouted. “If I had the strength I’d hit you.” John chuckled and they fell into silence as they stared up at the canopy covering them.

“John.” Bobby was the first to break the silence. The fire mutant grunted in response. “Will we ever do this again?” Bobby’s voice was timid, all his doubts, nervousness and hope shown in his words. Answering the best way he could without giving to much away John spoke. “Babe, you worry too much.” Bobby grinned slightly. John may not have admitted it but he knew, this would happen again, this meant something….Babe….he could get use to that.


Forgive me….the lemon sucked I’m sure and I probably have a million and one grammar mistakes…..even so I really hoped you liked it. My beta is currently asleep and it’s 1:02 here so give me some credit please? Anyways comments/reviews are adored….I’d love you forever……thanks for reading…sorry for it’s crappiness…..oh and Seth…I went to bed…sorry but I’m so fucking dead tired lol. Ttyl…..and I’ll send P/D-B/J when I wake up and write next much luv xD

title: i, author:blackeyedwicca, rating: nc-17, fiction: one-shots

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