Guilt, PG-13

Jun 14, 2007 13:43

Title: Guilt
Author:   bloodnfire

Pairings: John/Rogue, Bobby/John and implied  Bobby/Rogue
Rating: PG-13 for some swearing, sexual references.
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em :(
Summary:  Post X1-Pre X2 John inadvertantly finds himself acting as Rogue's confidant for a night.
Notes: If this isn't Ok to post here feel free to remove it, the John/Rogue does get more 'screen time' than the Bobby/John. Anyone who knows me is going WTF right now.  Written for  
100_situationsPrompt 010. Cry.

author: bloodnfire, rating: pg-13, fiction: one-shots, title: g

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