Nothing Less Than Divine - Chapter 8

Mar 20, 2007 18:02

Not exactly a limerick, but I'm sure you guys'll like it anyway...

TITLE: Nothing Less Than Divine - Chapter 8.

AUTHOR/ARTIST: bulma90_13.


PAIRINGS: John/Bobby, ???/Bobby.

CHAPTER SUMMARY: "We got 'em."

WARNINGS: Non-consensual, language, slash, crossover.


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
* * *

* * *
Chapter 8

Boston Bay High School was like any other private school in school in the Boston area: big, full of rich kids, and always plenty of gossip. That being said, it wasn’t very surprising that nearly the entire student body, not to mention the faculty, had heard about Senator Drake’s son and his attempted suicide. And the fact that his other son, the younger one, didn’t come to school on Monday didn’t help keep the rumor down. On the contrary, it was on everyone’s lips during passing period.

“Did you hear about the senator’s son?”

“Is it true, did he die?”

“Wasn’t his name Robbie?”

“Did anyone see him last week?”

“I don’t believe it!”

“Well, I heard it from Sarah Morgan…”

Sarah Morgan: the school’s biggest gossip and ditz, head cheerleader, and girlfriend of the quarterback, Guy Wiseman. It was rare to see Guy without his girlfriend, and even more rare to see him without his two best friends, Kenny Rodriguez and Alex Hano, also football players. To complete their little posse was The Brain. Guy and his friends never knew his real name, but they sure did worship The Brain when he did all of their homework. The Brain had, since sophomore year, worked out all of their schedules (by bribing the secretary) so that the four of them always had the same classes. That way, The Brain explained to them, it would be easier to copy on tests.

It was Tuesday morning during U.S. History. Guy was reading a note his girlfriend Sarah passed him when there was a knock at the door. Of course, no one paid any attention to it and with a sigh, the graying teacher made his way to the door. Four police detectives stood outside. After a brief exchange, the old teacher nodded and pointed at Guy talking loudly with his friend, Alex Hano. Guy didn’t notice there were even any visitors until a built detective with an army-style haircut addressed him in a low voice.

“Would you step outside the classroom, please.”

Guy looked ignorantly up at the detective, clearly annoyed by the interruption. “Nah, I’m good where I’m at, thanks.”

The detective stared. “Have it your way, then.”

Before he knew what hit him, Guy was on his feet, bent forwards over his desk, his hands cuffed behind his back. Then he heard those words.

“Guy Wiseman, you are under arrest for the rape of Robert Drake. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say…”

“Aw, no! This is bullshit! I didn’t do nothing!”

Meanwhile, across the classroom, the other 3 detectives were doing the same.

“Alex Hano, you are…”

“Calvin Brown, you are under arrest for the rape of…”

“Kenneth Rodriguez, you are under arrest…”

Guy was steered roughly towards the door, but turned sharply around to see the confused and shocked looks of his classmates. Sarah Morgan’s was the worst.

The detective shoved him forward again, but Guy turned desperately around again, yelling, “I didn’t do nothing, babe! This is bullshit! I love you, babe! You believe me?”

Sarah Morgan cocked her head to one side, her blonde ponytail flopping after. “Does this mean you won’t be at the game tonight?” she asked honestly.

It wasn’t until Guy got to the police car that he stopped yelling obscenities at the detective. And before pulling away from the school, Guy could’ve sworn he’d seen the detective smile.

* * *

That same day, Bobby sat in the waiting room, holding his mother’s trembling hand, watching as dozens of detectives buzzed this way and that in the precinct, none of which he recognized. He sighed, bringing his mother out of her daze.

Mrs. Drake stroked her son’s face with affection. “Don’t worry, sweetie. They’ll be here in a minute.”

As if she said the magic words, Detectives Stabler and Benson suddenly appeared out of a restricted access door and headed towards the waiting room.

Mrs. Drake immediately stood up and, with his mother’s help, Bobby also stood up.

The detectives kept their distance. Olivia looked seriously at the blue-eyed boy. “We got ‘em, Bobby.”

The mother immediately let out a cry of joy. “Oh, that’s wonderful! Did you hear that, sweetie? They got him!”

Bobby was slightly less enthusiastic. “That’s why you had us come all the way here?”

Elliot looked at Olivia and then at Bobby. “Since it wasn’t you who told us who to arrest, we need you to at least pick them out of a line-up.”

Bobby’s eyes flashed dark blue with fury. “John told you,” he breathed.

Elliot looked seriously at Bobby. “Of course John told us. We were the ones who sent him to your house to get you to talk.”

Mrs. Drake looked from her son to Elliot and then back to her son. “What’s he talking about, sweetie?”

Bobby breathed out and tore his navy-blue eyes away from the detective to look at the floor. “He only came because you told him to…” he whispered.

Mrs. Drake was more confused than ever. “Who, honey? What’s he-?”

“It’s nothing, Mom.” Bobby turned to her and forced on a fake smile that made Elliot cringe. “The important thing is that they got them.”

Mrs. Drake looked at the detectives. “Them? You mean…?”

Olivia spoke softly. “The rape kit results concluded that there were a least four different traces of semen. And John told us Bobby named four guys.”

Mrs. Drake gasped and looked at her son. “Oh, God!” She hugged Bobby to her chest. “But wait…” She started, looking at the detectives. “John? Is that why you had me revoke the restraining order? For him to get Bobby to talk?”

“Exactly,” Olivia responded. “It was necessary for legal reasons. It will look better when we go to court.”

Bobby’s face was cold as ice as he looked at the detectives. “Let’s get this line-up over with.”

Olivia smiled half-heartedly and led Bobby away from his mother and Elliot.

Mrs. Drake looked at the tall detective. “He’ll be okay…won’t he?”

Elliot didn’t answer.

* * *

Olivia led Bobby to a darker-lit part of the station. As they entered a dimly-lit room, she put her arm out to keep him behind her as she shut the door. Standing in the small, dingy room were five men, four in expensive suits and one bald man in a white collared shirt with suspenders. The under-dressed man stepped forward, his hand outstretched. Bobby looked hesitantly at Olivia before shaking the man’s hand.

Olivia was still hovering very close to Bobby. “Bobby, this is Captain Cragen. He heads the precinct. He’s here to make sure these guys don’t break any of the rules.”

“Nice to meet you, Robert.” The captain greeted seriously and let Bobby’s hand go.

One of the men in the expensive suits looked cockily at Olivia. “And we’re here to do the same. No cheating now, Benson. Let the boy chose for himself.”

Bobby took a step back, bumping into Olivia.

Olivia put her hand on Bobby’s shoulder. “These are the defense lawyers, Bobby.”

Bobby grew stiff as he noticed the large rectangular window behind the four men that led to a brightly lit room with height measurements on a white wall.

Bobby looked worriedly back at Olivia. “Do they have to be…here?” He asked, motioning to the defense lawyers.

Olivia steered Bobby gently closer to the windows. “Unfortunately, yes. Legally, they have the right. But I can’t talk to you now.”

Bobby whipped his head around to see Olivia walking back into the corner of the room, near the door.

The captain stepped up next to Bobby, while keeping a decent distance. “Just tell us if you recognize who raped you and tell us the number. There will be four rounds. You ready?”

Bobby couldn’t find his voice but managed a curt nod.

One by one, young men Bobby’s age filed into the brightly lit room through the glass. Bobby looked at them all but didn’t recognize any of them until the last boy filed in.

“HIM!” Bobby practically screamed. “It was him!”

“Just a number, Bobby. Which number?” The captain asked calmly.

“Number eight.”

“Very good, Bobby. Here comes the next line-up. You’re doing great.”

* * *

Elliot led Mrs. Drake into another part of the precinct, an unused office, and shut the door.

“Mrs. Drake, I’d like to talk to you about going to court. We have-”

“You don’t have to worry about a thing, detective. I’ve already called my lawyer.”

Elliot sighed. “That’s what I was afraid of.” He said quietly.

Mrs. Drake furrowed her brow. “What do you mean?”

Elliot sighed again, running his hand across his buzzed head. “It’s just that we have a prosecutor for our precinct and we prefer-”

“A free prosecutor, I know. But I’m willing to pay whatever it-”

“It’s not about money, Mrs. Drake,” Elliot interrupted. “It’s about experience. I’m sure your lawyer is very good at what he does, but Casey Novak is very qualified in dealing with our special types of cases. Novak also has an enormous amount of experience with our type of victims. I strongly recommend her.”

Mrs. Drake’s eyes widened. “Her?” Mrs. Drake seemed to think things over a moment. “Well, I guess in that case…we could at least meet with her…”

Elliot smiled. “She won’t disappoint you. She’s very passionate and will take good care of Bobby.”

Mrs. Drake smiled back.

“I took the liberty of setting up a meeting with her tomorrow at 4:30 P.M. here at the precinct. Will that be okay for you and Bobby?”

“Oh, sure, I guess…”

“If you can, I recommend finding a motel in the city for a few days until we get all the meetings out of the way.”

“Okay…” Mrs. Drake looked seriously at Elliot. “When do you think we could start trial?”

“With Novak on the case…?” Elliot paused to think. “As early as next week.”

* * *

It was nearly 11:00 PM by the time Bobby was allowed to leave the precinct. After the line-ups, all of which he identified his rapists, he had to tell the entire story to Detective Stabler, and it had taken a lot out of him. Following Elliot’s suggestion, Mrs. Drake and her son were headed to a motel so they could easily meet the lawyer the next day. After a quick phone call to Ronny, telling him to stay the night at his grandparent’s house, Mrs. Drake hung up and maneuvered through the busy streets of New York in silence.

When they pulled into the motel parking lot, Mrs. Drake turned to her son.

“Bobby, honey, I want you to know how proud I am of you.”

Bobby turned his tired face to his mom and smiled; she always knew just what to say.

“Thanks, Mom.”

Just when Bobby thought his mother would hug him, she pulled her keys out of the ignition and got out of the car.

“Come on, sweetie, let’s go to our room. I want you to get some sleep before you meet with the lawyer tomorrow.”

Bobby smiled again at his mother, following her out of the car and into the fancy motel lobby.

comments = happy me.

title: n, rating: nc-17, fiction: series, author: bulma90_13

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