Only in your Memory

Jan 20, 2007 12:19

OH Lordy do I feel ever bad, I just had the last two weeks from hell at work and I'm still not done, but thats not excuse for making you wait this long for a chapter that was done weeks ago...(Sighs) I'm sorry Please please forgive me? So, here's Chapter 6? Errr...I think LOL. Oh, I also made a X-men Video if anyone's interested, its not that great but yeah just tell me and I'll post a Link!

Love and Hugs.

Title: Only in my Memories.
Author: Amaroqwolf_inc
Rating: PG-13 for language, will possibly go up later.
Synopsis: When he woke up his head hurt, and that was only the beginning.
Disclaimer: Marvel and Fox owns them, I’m only playing with them. I will put them back when I’m done I promise. (Crosses finger’s behind back)

Chapters: Chapter 1//-\\ Chapter 2//-\\ Chapter 3//-\\ Chapter 4//-\\ Chapter5

Three days and already John was acting like the same John that he had shared a room with when he was 12. He stayed in his room, three days and Bobby wanted to strangle the other boy. He groaned rubbing his forehead he stomped up the stairs saying hello to Artie as he passed the younger boy then finally coming to a stop outside his door. He sighed and pushed the door open.

“John,” He snapped then paused surprised to find the bed empty the room empty. Well not completely but empty of human life. He groaned trying to figure out where the blind Mutant could of gotten to.

He stepped into the hallway looking up and down it concerned now. If John went the wrong way he could take a spill down stairs or something worse. He headed down the hall searching for his one time freind.

He heard Kitty’s soft laugh and thought about asking the brunette to help him look for John then shook his head. He’d told Storm he could take care of John and help him, himself. He turned away from the rooms and headed for the stairs. If John had made it downstairs then he could be anywhere in the sprawling mansion or on the grounds outside. He should get a tracking device for the fire starter.

“Everything okay?” Logan’s gruff voice asked. The older mutant was the most vocal about not wanting John there. He refused to even talk to him, he only called him Pyro and he seemed throughly disgusted by the sight or even sound of the boy.

Bobby nodded. “Everything’s fine,” He said tensely. It was time like this he wished for Jean or Xavier someone he could turn to and ask for advice on how to help John through all this. But then he could find himself wondering if Jean and Xavier would be so easily excepting of bringing John back here.

“Your looking for Pyro aren’t you?” Logan asked getting up off the couch. “You loose him?”

“No,” He said quickly and he could tell by the look on Logan’s face he was to quick. “He’s up in his room.” He responded.

Logan nodded looking doubtful. “You know I don’t trust him,”

Do you trust anyone, Bobby thought to himself turning away ignoring Logan who snorted.

“I don’t see how you can trust him,” He growled.

“Because he was my freind once and I think he can be again.” Bobby responded.

“You think that as soon as he gets his memory back he’s not going to run off to Magneto and his brotherhood?” Logan asked.

“For one Magneto doesn’t have his powers took the cure remember.” Bobby quipped.

“So did Rogue,” Logan snarled. “For you,”

Bobby froze he turned around his fists clenching. “That was her choice I didn’t pressure her into it.” He snarled.

Logan arched an eyebrow. “Maybe not verbally but she made her decision based on your actions.”

Bobby blinked trying to figure out what Logan said. “What do you mean by that?” He finally asked.

“You’re a boy a teenage Boy Drake, she’s a girl I’m sure there weren’t moments of pressure the right words to make her feel it was her only choice.” He responded.

Bobby’s heart hurt he felt like choking right then and there his mind flitting over past moments with Rogue. He glared at Logan darkly. “Shut up,”

“Hit a cord did I bub?” The older man asked. “You chased her off.”

“I didn’t chase her off, she got cured and ran home to mommy and Daddy and her perfect little suburban life style!” He snapped.

“Logan!” Storm’s voice cut through quickly. “Leave him alone.” She said sounding irritated.

Logan’s face twitched at being told what to do but he nodded sharply and stomped off. Bobby glared at the retreating man’s back till he was gone from sight then he took a sharp breath and turned heading for the doors again.

“If your looking for John he’s with Kitty.” Storm said pointing towards the stairs.

Bobby blinked in surprise then sighed and nodded slowly. “Thanks Ororo.” He said softly.

She smiled and rubbed his shoulder. “She made her decision Bobby not you.” She said. “In the end Rogue made her final decision.”

Bobby nodded slowly looking at his feet. He felt so foolish for letting Logan bate him into a fight. “Thanks, I know that its just.”

“He pushed your buttons?” She asked with a smile.

He nodded. “Yeah, he did.”

“He’s good at that,” She said patting his shoulder. “I’ll talk to him.”

He nodded his thanks then headed for the stairs wondering what on earth John and Kitty could be doing together.

title: o, rating: pg-13, author: amaroqwolf_inc, fiction: series

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