November 9th
So I was without Bri this week. Erica was supposed to be there about when I got there...but she was late. So I was alone for an hour or somethin? Well the past few times I've gone, Hatter hasn't been out in the morning. So instead of sitting on Main Street and waiting for him to not show up, I went over and took a peak in Pixie Hollow, and was manly and looked at the fairy stuff (if you didn't read the November 2nd TR you won't get this). Then when I got tired of this, I decided to head to Main Street to wait for Erica. So I'm all strolling along, la de da de da. Then there's this HUUUUUUUUUUUGE HAT in the distance.
Me: ....Eh wha?! He hasn't been out in the morning in quite awhile! *walks faster*
I noticed that Alice wasn't with him once again, which made me nervous. But the Queen of Hearts was with him! It amused me. So I stood back and watched them minutes. I got to see him take some little girl who had "fur" on her coat to Cruella (who was across from him). Cruella later came over..
Cruella: Mr Hatter, where's that little annoying blonde girl today?
Him: I'm really not sure...
Cruella: Oh well I founnd her rabbit! *gestures to coat*
Cruella: Oh yes.
Him: Did you shave him for the trim?
Cruella: Nah, I just grabbed him and SKINNED him! WHACK,
Me: O_____________O
Him; Oh no!
Cruella: Oh yes *leave*
It was a life scarring experience.
A little girl dressed as Alice was also brought to them, and Hatter asked where she had been, if she had just been dawdling (Daaaawdling and daaaawdling and daaawdling and daaaawdling. Why wasn't she doodling?!) then "Alice" was afraid of the Queen. Who was earlier called the Queen of Tarts.
Lady: Go get a picture with the Queen of Tarts.
Queen of Tarts: *stomp*
Hatter: It's the Queen of HEARTS.
Queen of HEARTS: *throws a fit*
It amused me
Well not that long later he noticed that I was there (I don't run up to him and talk to him when he's with guests, I stand back and wait)
Him: Are you alone today?
Me: No Erica, Lizzi, and Leanne will be here soon.
Him: But you're alone now...
Me: ....I guess so. But I'm with you, so its fine.
So I watched for awhile longer, the Queen left at some point but Hatter stayed, then not long later Hatter started doing his thing where he gets further and further away from his spot. So I started walking with him, and his crowd left. So we started walking, and he noticed my bag (it was for my Hatter costume, it says "I Throw Wild Tea Parties" on it, and it had and "I <3 Edward" [twilight] pin).
Him: Oh you throw wild tea parties eh? ...Who's Edward?
Me: ...Doesn't matter
I was not going to explain to him that he was a totally awesome (fictional) vampire...
Me: So where's Alice today?
Him: I don't know...she hasn't liked me the past two weeks I guess.
Me: Aww we miss her.
Him: I do too.
Then he noticed I was wearing a hat (same hat as the week before, its my awesome white fedora), so he took it.
Him: Ooh what a lovely hat. *steals* Lets go put it on the horse! *starts walking towards the horse drawn carriage
Me: The real horse or the fake horse? (There was one of those fake horse things by us)
Him: Lets try it on the fake one.
We decided it didn't look good enough on him, so he gave me my hat back and said it looked better on me anyway. I feel so loved ><
I mentioned how I was surprised when I saw him out that morning, and he said he liked it better because it was cooler, but then we both remembered that its November, so its not hot in the afternoons.
Me: Woah its already November
Him: Yes which means it's almost December, which means it's almost time for you to get me on your Christmas party invitations!
We (usual Hatter girls) are really tempted to have a Christmas party and invite him. ><
Oh also he was on the sidewalk, and I stepped back when a guest came up to him, and almost fell off the curb
Hatter: *talking to guest* Well I'm a great way to start your day, watch the curb dear.
Me: Oh ha ha, thanks.
So we continued walking, then people actually started coming up to him. So he started walking backwards to the magical doors while signing.
Him: I really must be going though, so this will be the last, I have a tea party to get to.
Me: You have to have tea every five minutes don't you?
Him: I like tea.
So he went backstage saying he'd see me later, then I went to meet up with Erica. We watched the band, and Hatter pulled Erica and her brother up to dance. Oh and the Queen was with them again, and she sat down and her dress was just a BUBBLE. It slowly deflated though. During the show Hatter and the Queen walked to the side to take pictures, so we watched them over there, then the Queen left, and we stayed. We walked with Hatter
Me: We don't really know where Lizzi is right now. I guess you ate her.
Him: I ate Lizzi? Why do you say that?
Me: Because she's not here.
Him: So when someone doesn't show up, you blame me?
Me: Yes. If Leanne takes a long time to get online we say you ate her. You've eaten quite a lot of people.
Him: So are you calling me fat?
Me: WHAT? Nooooo.
Him: But I eat all these people!
Me: You just have a high metabolism thing.
Him: That would work.
Erica: Or it all just goes to the hat. We need to make a new list
Him: But now I already know something on the list.\
Me: So?
Him: No idea.
I don't understand how he could think I was calling him fat. Dude, he's smaller than | that line!
Then he went backstage, and we went to the castle to wait for the castle show. We were where we were [woah that sounds cool] the week before, where we could see them inside the castle. Lizzi came, and we told her what happened so far. OH AND THEY WERE PLAYING MIKA! There was a dance thing going on at the Plaza Gardens. So I'm listening to the music, trying to figure out what it was. IT WAS MIKA! (Don't know who he is? Look him up, he's wonderful) So I ran over and watched them, then came back. Then we got to watch Hatter be strange while waiting for his cue to come, doing such absurd things as climbing the chain in the castle. Crazy man.
So usual stuff happened, blah blah blah, went backstage, blah blah blah. So we hung around doing...I dunno. I think we got Splash Mountain fastpasses at this point, then decided to go to the MiceChat meet. While there I stole Erica's joke book. Then our friend Blake came so I told him jokes. He did something mean (I think it was yelling "HATTER" and pointing when he knew we were looking for him) so I kept trying to snap the cord on his Mickey ears. I got the chance to when he was talking to another Micechatter. It made me happy. Then we decided to leave and see if Hatter was out. Blake followed us. On the way we saw Brianna! We got distracted by her. We found out that it was Alice's birthday the week before so she wasn't there, and then this week she was on a birthday vacation. Hopefully she's back the next trip. So we hung out with Brianna, Blake left and told me to call him if Hatter showed, and then we continued waiting. Oh and we saw Leanne, Jenni, and Destini. So here's the current group:
Erica's brother
Merlin (doll)
Well after awhile of waiting, Everyone in the group (but Brianna) got hungry so went to get food. Well Leanne left to stay and wait for Hatter. Well before getting our food, Leanne called me to inform me that Hatter showed. So we went back to see him, once again with the Queen. We watched him for a bit (for future notice, the Queen always left before him) then walked with him. Before going backstage he asked if we wanted to play charades. We all agreed that we did. He went backstage, and we sat on ground and waited for him. When he came out and saw us just sitting there waiting for him he was like "...You guys really just camped out here and waited?"
So charades was played. I have it on video and it will be uploaded at some point, so I won't bother going over highlights. So same thing as usual. We went to get a spot for musical chairs after Hatter left. We saw a girl who knew us from youtube. She was siting with Bert (no Mary), who no one was coming up to. There also were more people here, so this was the group:
Erica's brother (who we lost not long later)
Youtube girl
Youtube girl's friend (whoI don't thinksaid a single word the entire time...)
then some more Micechatters:
and then a friend of Hilsbro's
16 PEOPLE. welloneisadollbutthatisnotthepoint
So we got to hang out with Bert. He said something about how he didn't dress up for Bat's Day, so Blake but his NBC Mickey ears on his hat.
Bert looked through Lizzi's sketchbook and drew something in Blake's. He left during musical chairs though.
Loudest game of musical chairs EVER.
One of the best ever moments:
Blake: *gets out*
Hatter: Do you have a joke?
Blake: Yes I do. Knock knock.
Hatter: Who's there?
Blake: *pause*
Hatter: Usually its good to think about these first.
Blake: Alright. Interupting platypus
Everyone watching starts cracking up. Hatter's reaction was great. For nearly a minute everyone was just laughing, and Hatter was standing there with a "Should I answer?" look.
Hatter: I'm a little afraid...
I can't really describe the punchline to the joke...theres a video of it on my photobucket, you can watch it.
Oh and if Hatter could have one wish from a genie, it would be that Robert was the piano player all the time. Everyone agreed.
We got to help with the final round again, and during the huddle I got distracted by Robert's was shiney! Hatter had to push me off the stage XD He does whatever he wants with us since he knows we love him too much to care XD After the game, we hung out with him. Oh yes, youtube girl (I don't care if you have a name, your name is youtube girl) drew pictures based off things I made up! One of Hatter with his Cher CD collection, the other of him wearing the nametags we made him. It made me happy. Anyway afterwards he had to leave and all of us walked with him (I thought some of them would stay behind ><) He asked if it was group hug time, and of course ended up getting a hug from practically everyone. I stood behind him with my hands on his back pushing him up so he wouldn't fall XD. I got my own hug too which made me happy. Then he left, and Brianna taunted us by going "Hey look what I can do!" then went backstage. She came back though.
So most of the group went to the PoD spot. Brianna, Destini, Lightmouse, and I somehow got split from the group, and ended up just standing around and talking. Something happeed, and Brianna once again taunted us.
Her: Well know what I can do? I can call up Hatter and ask if he wants to hang out. Cause I have his number and you don't, so ha!
LM (who has a name, I just like calling him lightmouse...its funny sounding): What, is he named Hatter in there?
Her: No he's under his real name.
Me: Alright here's what we do. We steal the phone, then go through her contacts and figure out which name he'd have.
Would he have this one? Nah. How bout this one? He might. Oh ha haha NO. THIS ONE! HE'D HAVE THIS ONE! would work. So we split apart from Brianna, then got to the PoD spot. I got to see this one guy on the Beauty and the Beast float who's totally awesome. I hadn't seen him the week before, so I was hpapy when he was there. We watched the Alice showstop, cheered for the pink flower (dude...he's awesome. Totally awesome. Without a doubt the awesomest parade performer ever). Lizzi had a teapot that she wanted to show Hatter, so we got their attention and showed it to them.
They had imaginary tea with it.
And here's a picture of the pink flower. Cause he's awesome.
After the parade, our group just hung out for awhile. Someone ran up and hugged Hilsbro's friend, and turns out they knew Lizzi from Devart! *sings* It's a small world after all. So after awhile the group split up. Lizzi had to leave, so we escorted her to the gate, said bye, stole her fastpass for Splash, then she left. So we did nothing for awhile, then went on Splash Mountain. Jenni got the extra fastpass, which left Erica out. She got in without a fastpass though.
So the whole reason we were going on was because a friend of mine was at WDW, and she was going to do a heart on a ride for the picture. So I wanted to do the same, this is how mine turned out.
Turns out the picture for her's didn't work, so I never got one, but I know she did it, so it's all good (still love you Sarah <3)
Then we went on again, and POINTED TO THE TOP OF THE MATTAHORN! (no picture of that one)
Then went on again and amazed the camera with our MAGIC FINGAHS!
I dunno what's better. Leanne's face, or the fact that Destini is SO doing the Hitler salute in the back. (Still love you Destini)
After that ride I said no more. Good too, since those three trips caused me to get a cold. We then went to the Winnie the Pooh sweet shop (whatever its called). I got two s'mores, and DUDE. THE GUY WHO HELPED ME SOUNDED EXACTLY LIKE DICK VAN DYKE. IT WAS FREAKIN AMAZING. Like seriously. EXACTLY like him. After we got our sugar, we went on the teacups, then got a spot for PoD. Leanne and Jenni got a turkey leg, and we devoured it in like...5 minutes. It was yummy.
So we decided we would cheer for the pink flower again, since ya know he's awesome. So Alice float comes, and he has his back to us. He turns around and we all start cheering. He gets this super excited face and runs over to us.
Oh yah. We totally got hugged by a flower! He was AMAZING. Officially my favorite parade performer. He's seriously awesome. I'm gonna miss him.
Besides the pink flower thing, we also waved to Ariel until she disappeared. We waved to her, looked away, then looked back and she was turned around STARING at us. So we waved, she waved back, and we looked away. Looked back, she's still looking at us. So we waved at her, she waved back, and this kept going until she went backstage.
So after the parade we hung out talking about the awesomeness of the pink flower, then decided to go see if we could find Maynard. We did, he was doing the game squad thing on main street. Youtube girl was there too. So they were playing a golf like thing. Merlin got to play :D He did the best out of everyone!
Afterwards I had to leave. It was a great day. This was the last time I'll see PoD until it comes back (in February I believe?). I'm gonna miss that parade while it's gone.
Pictures: Videos will be here when they show up:
My next trip will be November 23rd I believe.