August 25th
Here we goooo...
Alright you know the drill! Bri and I got there at 8:45, and waited. Just like ever week. But this time, when 9 o'clock came along, no Hatter. So we waited...and waited...and waited some more. At 9:10 I got tired of waiting.
Me: Kay I bet if I leave he'll come. So I'm gonna do a lap around Fantasyland. Call me if he gets here.
So I'm strolling down Main Street, and while going past Plaza Inn I hear a very familiar yell. So I whip around.
Guess who was there.
Yep. Hatter. Lemme tell you something about my relationship with Hatter at this point. I was rather annoyed. Last time I went to see him, he wasn't there. The next day, he was all like "You didn't see me yesterday! HA HA HA HA HA! I played a trick on youuu!!!!". And then when I didn't come the next week, he said I wasn't allowed to be mad at him since I wasn't there. OH HA! I WAS TOTALLY ALLOWED TO BE MAD AT HIM! Then before my flight to San Francisco the other week I talked to him on the phone, and he got some song stuck in my head. Which is the billionth song he's gotten stuck in my head. So yes, I was mad at him.
So I stood there and glared at him, even though he didn't realize I was there. Then someone said "Look it's the Mad Hatter!" so he turned and waved to them, then saw me. He smiled really big and waved at me. And I just glaaaaaaaared. He then pouted at me. I glared. He then glared at me. I glared and crossed my arms. He glared and crossed his arms. I turned and walked away. It felt so great to glare at him XD
So I called Bri and told her to come down. Then I contined to glare at him. Oh and at one point I pushed her out of the way, and Captain Hook saw, and thought she was flipping out because of him. It was amusing. ANYWAY GLARING AT HATTER. So I continue to glare at Hatter, and he saw me.
Him: *glare* GO AWAY!
Him: Oh ok.
And then he was like "HAHA YOU FAIL!" and went inside the resturant. And never came out :( FINE BE THAT WAY YOU MEAN OLD MAN. Oh then they didnt come out for the entrance show. So instead Bri and I did splash single rider...I think...we did it several times so I bet we did it then.
After whatever we did, we went to see the castle show. Afterwards we walked with the car and talked to Hatter. He told me I'd have to quit acting eventually and start liking him again. Then he made fun of me because I almost ran into someone. Evil man.
Me: Well I could just leave you then. Perhaps I'll leave you and go to Peter Pan...wait.
Him: *GAAAAAAAAHHHHSP* Did you hear that!? She said she was going to leave me for Peter Pan!
So I told him I was mad at him for the day he wasn't there because he was playing a trick on us. He was like "BUT THAT WASN'T MY TRICK!" Sure it wasn't Squishyman. Sure it wasn't. So when we were close to the end we decided to cut them off and go to where the car stops. But instead it stopped at city hall! And Squishyman kicked everyone out, and stole Mickey's baton! Then as the car continued on he just smiiiiiiiiiiled at us.
Me: ....Uh-huh.
Him: I have my own personal driver!
Me: You kicked everyone out!
Him: I pay him well.
Me: Sure you do.
So we escorted him to the magical doors. We got into a little fight about the baton, and then let him go backstage. He went backstage with a "I'll see you later!"
Then we were alone...
So we...went on splash? Yes we did! I'm sure of it this time! We went on splash and my log got stuck in front of Brer Rabbit at the end. After quite awhile I started singing along. I think the people in the log started to get annoyed. Whatever. After we got out of that jam (no evac :-\) Bri wanted to eat, but I wasn't hungry. So I told her to go eat, and I went on Splash two more times. And I still wasn't very wet. At this point it was almost 1, so we went to Fantasyland and waited....and waited....and waited some more.
After waiting quite awhile, I sent Bri through Fantasyland to see if they were out. She didn't see them, but she did see Brianna. She's even better! So we went over to the carousel, and waited for her to come around.
Her: *quickly turns around* WELL HI!
She asked us what we were up to, we told her we had been waiting for Hatter but kinda gave up. She couldn't help us though, cause she hadn't seen him either. Then she went on her merry way, and we went to the teacups. Where we waited...and waited...and waited some more. Then Bri was like "I'm gonna go check main street!" so she left and I stayed there. I realized that I lipsync the speil without realizing I do. After one time some guy was like "You come here often, don't you?" and I had no idea what he meant. When he told me I was lipping the speil I was very surprised.
Anywho, after awhile, Bri came back. Five minutes later, I got tired of waiting.
Me: THAT'S IT. I'M DONE. I am going to go ride Splash Mountain. You call me if he comes, which I doubt. Have fun waiting for someone who I bet won't come. *leaves*
And I went completly the wrong way, and it took me forever to get there. And right when I get to the phone rings.
Me: *answers* Hello?
Bri: Hatter showed up.
Me: ...You're kidding right?
Bri: No I'm serious.
Me: ...I JUST got over to Splash AND NOW HE SHOWS UP? Call him evil for me, kay?
Bri: Alright.
Me: I'll be there soon.
So I walk back, and can't find them anywhere. So I call Bri a billion times to ask where they are. She FINALLY picked up.
Her: I'm at Coke Corner, they just went backstage.
Me: ................................................................................................................Excuse me?
Her: They just left.
Her: Well come over to coke corner, they'll be out soon.
So at this point, my feet want to die. But I walk to coke corner, then force Bri out of her chair (it was in the shade). Then I realized I had too much I wanted to say to him, and I couldnt lose a couple minutes. So we went over by the backstage. I got bored waiting, so I took the wrap off my water bottle. Then I had no where to put it, so I stuck it on Bri's face. Then Jack Sparrow strolls out.
Him: *looks at Bri and gestures to his cheek* I think you have a growth...
It was amazing XD. So we wait for Hatter, and Bri tells me what went on in the meet and greet that I missed.
- He told her to look Christian the Lion up on youtube. (By the way, go look it up. It's adorable)
- He went to the wishing well and said "I WISH MY FANGIRLS WOULD STOP BEING MAD AT ME AND COME BACK!" (when she told me that I started to feel bad XD)
- More complaining about how his fangirls are leaving him
- She told him that I was mad at him, and he was like "WHY IS SHE SO MAD AT MEEEEEEEEEEE????"
and other stuff...
So we waited even more...and he showed up THREE MINTES LATE. So he's all strolling along.
Him: ME!
Him: What did I do?
Me: YOU MADE ME WAIT FOREVER! Then I finally got tired of waiting, went over to Splash-
Him: And why would I be over there?
Me: I never said I was looking for you! So I went over to Splash-
Him: If you were waiting for me, you should've stayed in Fantasyland. You know I don't go over there.
Me: I WASNT LOOKING FOR YOU >_< SOIGOOVERTOSPLASHANDITTOOKFOREVER. Then I finally get over there, and Bri calls me and is like "Oh hai, Hatter showed." SOIWALKALLTHEWAYBACK AND. YOU. LEFT. I am not happy.
Him: And how is this my fault?
Me: ......GAH I GIVE UP!
So then they played Musical Chairs, which I filmed.
- There was a girl playing while eating ice cream (who was later named Miss Mint) and a girl playing while eating a lollipop (the lollipop left before the first round though)
Hatter: We have boys! We have girls! We have lollipops! And we have ice cream!
- Alice doesn't know how to play musical chairs. She NEVER knows how to play musical chairs
- Alice tried to sit on a kid before the game even started...
- Hatter told everyone to go one way, and Alice said the other way. Thus, scaring and confusing all the children
- This really cute little girl (Audrey) wanted Hatter to play with her one round. So she grabbed his hand, and he ran around the chairs with her, and made Alice run the game. This happened a couple times. Sometimes Alice played with her as well.
- Girl: I can't find one...[a chair]
Hatter: You can't find one? Well where could it be?
Bri: In you hat!
Hatter: In my hat?
Me: Yes?
Hatter: I don't think so.
Me: Oh. Ok.
- Hatter made a little girl cry, and Alice brought her back to her mom. Hatter said it was all Alice's fault.
- There was a girl in a wheelchair sitting in the sun. Hatter was like "WAIT HOLD ON HOLD ON! *pushes her in the shade* There we are, you're welcome.
- Hatter: Miss Sophia!
Me: *mocking voice* Miss miss miss miss meh meh meehh
(I was still kinda annoyed with him XD)
- I boo-ed Hatter...just cause I could XD
- Girl: Why did the cow cross the road?
Hatter: Why did the couch cross the road?
Girl: Cow.
Hatter: OH THE COW! Why did the cow (moo) cross the road?
Girl: *says something*
Hatter: That's what I said!
- Hatter was singing 'A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes' very badly while being dragged around the chairs by Audrey.
- The girl with the ice cream and another girl both sat on the same chair. So Alice stole her ice cream and walked away.
Alice: Oh. *gives the ice cream back*
- The girls tied four times and Alice got annoyed and said that her and Hatter would play. They then tied twice.
First time:
Hatter: Well now we're in the same boat as them.
Alice: We're in a boat?
Hatter: Yes we are.
Second time:
Alice: *pouts*
Hatter: See you got mad at them for the same reason, you're a very bad example!
- Hatter "La la la la"s a
- Last round:
Alice: WHUT?
Alice: *does a Macaulay Culkin in home alone know slaps hands to face like :O)
- Audrey didn't want to put away all the chairs, so he told her her prize was "THE MEMORY" I was like "lol THE MEMORY OF BEING HEREEE!!" Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerliiiin XD
Then musical chairs ended, so I messed with Hatter a little. I had this little book with stuff I wanted to do.
- He saw I was filming him.
Him: If you're mad at me why are you taking my picture?
Me: I'm filming you.
Me: I'm sending you to America's Most Wanted.
- He turned and saw that I was still filming him.
- I gave him an honorary citizen of Disneyland pin that I found in a bush. It said Andrew on it though.
Hatter: Is this another nametag?
Me: I found it in a bush. *gives it to him*
Him: ANDREW? That's very nice! *sees a paper I'm holding* What's this?
Me: My friend drew this, I swear I had nothing to do with it!
So I gave him this drawing was in History, we were bored. It says "We love Hatter goes hippy. Whee Haatter is a hippy who has a corn coat" HIS COAT LOOKS LIKE CORN SHUDDAP. "Loren H. Not Brooke. Please don't take this seriously! :-P)
And he realized that the only thing I colored (the hat) was based of some REDICULOUS Disneyland Paris hat.
- I had recorded the audio from THIS VIDEO: on my phone to play for him. It scared him XD
- I told him he sounded like Lizzi on the phone (WHICH HE DID). He thought I said that he was Lizzi.
HIm: But as you can see I'm Andrew apparently
- I asked him if he was a bat...
Apparently he is.
Me: Lizzi wanted me to tell you that they do not love Brian more.
Him: I THINK THEY DO! Thats why they have a nametag. But now apparently it is ANDREW who's loved more! *gets out nametag and points at it* DUN DUN DUUUUUNNN
- Me: *looks at list* Um...
Him: Well how much is on that list? *reads over my shoulder* Ask him if he heard...
Me: OH! Have you heard our nickname for you?
Him: Nickname? ...Is that Squishy?
Me: Kay just wanted to make sure you heard that XD
And that was the last of the
- Me: *looks at what Bri was filming* WHY ARE WE FILMING HIS HAT?
Him: Maybe it'll do something.
Me: What'sitgonnadowhat'sitgonnadowhat'sitgonnadowhat'sitgonnado?
Him: I'm gonna do THIS! *throws pen in air and catches it* Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
I dunno if he looks impressed or insane...His face when he threw it in the air was better though, but I don't have a screenshot of it yet. It'll be my icon sometime though. He's all like "OMG THE PEEEEEEN!!!"
- I called him earless again.
- Hatter asked a girl if she learned to make hats at school, and she said she did.
Him: Perhaps you could get a job in my hat shop pretty soon!
Me: A job he doesn't even do
Him: I have people!
Then I started going on about the American Express commercial where Beyonce says to Ellen "Have my people call your people!" and Ellen is running around trying to find her people.
- Audrey came back to him. This was the cutest thing I have EVER seen at Disneyland. She came up and hugged him. She told him she was gonna go swimming, and she wanted him to come along.
Him: I don't think I can go swimming today!
Her: You need a bathing suit.
Him: I need a bathing suit, but I don't have one. I only have this jacket and this big hat.
And she rubbed her nose against his, oh my gosh it was adorable. She was so set on getting him to swim with her too. When she left he had the sweetest smile on his face.
Bri: You have a new fangirl.
Him: I do! She's so adorable.
- We stood there singing Legally Blonde the Musical. He scared us towards the end XD
Us: Keep it positive as you slap her to the floor! Keep it positive-
Him: *to Alice, but facing us* That's very true!
Us: O_O
Him: Are you going to walk us?
Me: *in head* Oh gah did he hear us? *to him* Yep
Him: Come along then!
I stll have no idea if he heard us XD
- Walking to the magical girls there was a girl who he had apparently seen earlier.
Him: Hello again! You're just following me everywhere!
Her: I'm your stalker!
Him: I think I already have two of those XD *points at Bri and I*
- I realized I suddenly was no longer mad at him
Me: Wait when did I suddenly become ok with you again?
Him: When you became ok with me? Probably when you saw me again! Look at this! Look at this! *does circular motion around face* How could you stay mad?
XD He knows we think he's adorable.
- Bri and Hatter were convince that there was a bird in a bush. I did NOT see it.
Me: You guys are insane, I see NOTHING.
Him: It was a bird!
Bri: IN. A BUSH.
Me: There is no bird.
Me: You guys are completly insane! I already knew it about Hatter, but now I know it even more about you.
Him: Well after all I saw it, and if I saw it, that means I've seen it!
Us: ........*silent*
Him: It's very true.
Me: ....Whut?
Bri: The magical doors?
Me and him: The magical dooooors!
Then I remembered that Bri said earlier that he's afraid of loud noises.
Me: Oh! So apparently you said earlier that you're afraid of loud noises?
Him: I never yell! Never never!
Then Bri gave him a hug, then I got sad because I didn't get a hug, so I got a hug, and he said Leanne would be upset.
Then they left (Bri yelled "BYE SQUISHY!!!" and freaked out a cast member by us.
Then we got a spot for the parade. After awhile I got really hot so I went in the Cinema and watched Steamboat Willie, then came back out. There was this little girl who was so excited about Peter Pan and the Fairy Godmother in the parade. We happen to have the same favorite things on that float!
So the opening float came along, and it was my favorite Peter! So he waved at us, and gave up a thumbs up as usual, and I got a picture of him that I love.
So parade goes along, and I SWEAR everytime we watch the parade, there is one fork that is always there.
Anyway, one of the guys with the Pinocchio float stopped in front of me, so I took a couple pictures of him. I like this one:
So we got the Alice showstop. Super hyper Hatter. I liked him.
After the parade I'm not sure what we did. I know we went on Splash a few times though. Well for the second parade we went to our usual spot. I danced to happiest place on earth since they got rid of the dancers (which I think was a stupid idea). Then during the opening float show stop, Peter ran over to us since there was some cast members there that weren't working, and gave us all high-fives. I joked that I would never wash my hands again because Peter Pan touched them. Yeah I'm weird.
So Bri wanted food after the parade, so we went to the golden horseshoe. I still wasnt hungry though. But I ate a couple of her french fries, and a chicken strip she didnt eat.
After we.....ya know, I think we went on Splash once again XD. Then...we did...stuff? until the fireworks. Before the fireworks we got on the train and rode it around during the fireworks. Then at 10 we had to leave. So we said bye to Disneyland, and went home.
Pictures from the trip: Videos will pop up here soon: All my videos are on another computer since they were taking up so much space. So I have to save them there, transfer them here, and upload them.
Next trip: Either Monday the first, or Tuesday the 2nd, I'm not sure which...