Hey all...I am hearing we have some lurkers...yes you...back there...yes...no not you I see you, the other one. Yes, hello ! As you might know, we are done with our fourth episode...and the fifth starts this week. Feel free to join the community, that way I know how many readers we have. Don't feel pressured to comment everytime, just let me know what you think of the overall episodes and we're groovy. Also, if there is anything in general you want to see, an old foe, an old friend...I have this season plotted out mostly but it doesn't mean I don't take some requests. And here is a listing of what we've done, and what's coming up.
Episode oneEpisode TwoEpisode ThreeEpisode Four Episode Five-I Don't Like Monday's
Episode Six-I Do
Episode Seven-Daughters
Episode Eight-The Other Side