Okay… so today becomes bitch about work sucking…. like I didn’t see this one coming… but it is. Like yesterday…. it was annoying… and today it got downright fucking ridiculous… I was swearing up a storm.
So yeah….. part of it is it’s midterm week…. it’s really stressful… 4 papers in one week…. and I did some work coming into this week… but let’s face it I’m lazy and I procrastinate and work better under pressure and deadline. Plus… the stress of the function last week made for me needing like 2 days to just recover and relax. So yeah.
Cue yesterday. I had 2 papers due, I was only going to get one of them done. The professor didn’t seem to care much and told the class that he wanted at least one in, but is the other was a little late it was no big deal. So I wasn’t that upset, but I still needed to finish my first one. I’d written the outline and pretty much written the thing, it was just polishing up and writing one last section. I did most of the work the night before, but I was too tired after eating at like midnight to do more work.. so I saved it for during work.
So I get in to the office, I start to sit down and do it and get heckled with every little thing. Jen needs me to take the vases that someone else was in charge of out of the kitchen. Not a big deal. Then Jen calls me in to her office and keeps me there for like 45 minutes. First off her boss is unhappy because he feels like no one comes to check in with him first, or none of us remember to see him when he asks. Whatever. He has a tendency to ask you to come see him… you do and he’s busy, so he says come back in 15 minutes, so you do and he’s busy so he says come back in an hour…. and after an hour you’ve forgotten and he’s angry that you didn’t com see him.
So…. the big thing is that they’ve bought new PDA phones and they don’t know how to use them, both Jen and Michael (her boss but it feels weird calling him by his first name and I’d rather not use last names). I should go back to my Church system and do initials… maybe. So anyway…. they’ve both had these phones for like a month and neither know how to use them. It’s like…. well fucking figure it out….. but no.
So Jen wants me to give both of them training sessions. She wanted me to go copy the manual so I could study it… I said no… I found it online so as not to waste paper. Then she made me stay in her office and learn something so I could go give MH a lesson right away that afternoon. I was like… fuck this I’m in the middle of a paper… but yeah… she made me stay. I did… I waited for 15 minutes while MH talked his ass off to someone else and finally said I have class soon I can’t just stand here and wait. So Jen’s all.. well start tomorrow giving us a lesson for five minutes each day. Yeah… whatever.
Cue up today. So for this midterm I had 2 hours to write it… just as if I was in class taking it as an exam. I wrote up all of my notes last night, new everything I wanted to write, was set to go, planned on like spending only 2 hours out of my 5 in the office on it… should be fine… yeah no.
I get in, do a little work that needs to get done… and then get ambushed by every little thing. One of my professors has a computer virus on his computer and needs to vent and needs someone to help him. I try, let him vent and swear (in English… I was hoping for some German or Italian since he’s Italian and knows German as well as he knows English). But yeah… nothing I can do… one of those that pops up icons for porn and gambling and free downloads and also manages to disable your antivirus. Plus I really didn’t have the time for this… I told him to call IT… that’s their job… so he did that and I got back to work.
Next… cue up little old lady that has stories to tell and problems with the computer. She’s a total user…. and I was too nice and let her use me instead of telling her to fuck off…. but she’s so sweet and old… and I have way too much of a soft spot for little old ladies. So yeah…. she’s trying to order books online, she used to order from this other company, but there was this whole mishap where she accidentally ordered three books, only wanted 2, but only got 2 in the mail and got charged for three and had the credit card company take care of it, but the book store company is pissed at her and the credit card people told her not to shop there anyway because they were ripping her off on price.
So yeah… I guide her through Amazon… she had the tech people at Amazon guide her through setting up an account last night, but when she’d tired to order things had gone wrong. So I go through everything with her… but of course she doesn’t have her credit card… so yeah… no can do anything for her. I help explain all the steps she’ll need to take at home and stupidly tell her to come back again if she has problems.
So by this time I’ve like lost the majority of my time… add helping answer questions for one of my fellow GA’s who is working on the same midterm as I am… and I’m getting stressed. But hey…. I have 30 minutes left…. I’m towards the end…. I’ll finish… yeah fuck no. Jen calls and demands I meet MH in his office in 10 minutes to give him a tutorial. I got off the phone and just started fucking swearing.
Seriously…. fuck all of these people. What the fuck. Learn to use your own goddamn shit. I am not your tech person. More importantly… f you buy a fucking phone/PDA…. you know how you’re going to learn to use it…. by fucking using it. If you have to call someone every single time you don’t know how to do something….. seriously… you’re going to be pathetic and useless the rest of your life. I mean… I did not sign up for this. I mean… decorating for function, babying people who don’t know how to use their own computers…. not what I had in mind. You need office shit done… I can do that… I’ve worked in an office.. I know how that works. I get annoyed when you call me into my office to walk to the storage room to get you a new roll of tape because you can’t do it yourself, but that’s office politics. Fucking teaching you how to use technology is not. Go take a class. Go use your own spare time to figure it out… not my work time. Fucking hell to all of it.
So I get there and he has even more good news for me… he’s getting a new work computer and they offered him either a desktop or a laptop and he expected me to make the decision for him. It’s like how the fuck do I know what you need. I mean… decide for yourself. You can ask me what I think, what the benefits and disadvantages to each are, but don’t expect me to make your decisions for you… especially when I don’t know what you need. So yeah.. I told him why each might be better and that eventually he needed to decide what met his needs. Then I gave him a tutorial on a phone PDA I had never seen before…. but I was able to figure out the left-click, right-click, homepage, back button, arrow keys, enter/select button, power, call, mail, and web buttons… which apparently he couldn’t. Just…….. seriously…….. WTF!?!?!?!?!?!? I mean…. how are people so technologically challenged… it drives me nuts. Plus all of this went past the time I had to leave for class.
But today… it just fucking pissed me off. I was late to class and didn’t finish my paper on time. I mean, I went back up ad took 15 minutes to finish it and e-mail it to him…. but it was just fucking irritating. So much so.
So… I’ve been decorating my office… printing shit out and sticking it on the walls to make the place look nice. I’ve got pictures of my friends which is just all homey feeling. I’ve got other random shit that needs to be posted in an office setting… like some good motivational posters on the shitty of office…. Meetings… none of us are as dumb as all of us, etc. I put up a sad box…. because hell yeah. Some other random shit that marks me as a massive nerd and no one gets which amuses me. I also put up Palin debate flow chart because shit’s hilarious. Finally… on the door to the office…. like in personal amusement and irritation with my department and because I felt it was massively appropriate I put up
Yeah… no one gets it and I laugh my ass of at everyone for it.
So yeah…. a fun day in the life of a GA. I mean… I absolutely love the people I work with, my fellow GA’s. I get a little annoyed that all the work seems to get dumped on 3 of us and nothing on the other 3, but I don’t blame that on the people, except one, the girl who works on Friday when nothing’s going on and who hasn’t helped at or attended a single function. She pisses me off. But anyway… I really do enjoy the work… just the past two days were filled with much need to gripe and bitch. Now my fingers are sore from all the typing I’ve done this week… they actually hurt every time I hit keys. I can thank today where I was crazy speed typing to say all I wanted to say in that midterm under a 2 hour limit.
So yeah…. off to do some non school and work related crap…. YAY!!!