So yeah… work today was good and kinda just bleh. I slept horribly last night…. was tormented by a traumatic experience that just so depressed, upset, infuriated, disgusted… and basically just made a mess of me. It took hours for me to sleep… and then I woke up every two hours or so all having horrible dreams about it or just waking straight up because my brain was suddenly thinking about it and couldn’t stop the raging cyclone my emotions were. So yeah…. I slept maybe over 7 hours, but with many breaks of not sleeping in between…. and between both I went to work just totally out of it.
So yeah… I was just in a fog at all times…. like unable to focus or function that well. Multiple times lines built up and I was just oblivious to them because I was doing an audit or something. It was a hard shift…. but I made it through. Eventually I got all my work done too… and by 11 PM…. there was nothing to do… everything had been cleaned and done, carts were in… just nothing. I searched desperately for returns to do, blocked all the front end candy and the soda/water coolers…. just did anything to keep me busy. It was horrible. Rosa had also done all of the cleaning…. so she just sat there and read a magazine. It was so boring. Plus Paul Dwyer doesn’t give a fuck… and nightcrew really doesn’t give a fuck what we do.
So fo some stories of the day… first… my adorable Nick Storer. Apparently Paul Dwyer went up to him and told him he was being watched for being a slacker and bad worker and if he didn’t pick it up he might be fired. Okay…. WTF! I mean… here on the FE we’ve got piles of shit that do no work no matter how much I yell at them…. and they’re never threatened with their jobs….. but Nick…. who is a very hard and motivated worker….. he gets threatened. Fuck that shit. I will annihilate anyone that fires my Nick. Paul also told Nick that Bill Godhino and Kathryn Reilly were on the watch too….. and Kathryn definitely slack and stands and talks to friends for hours while working… but Bill…. who was lazy as hell on the front end seems to be working fairly hard back in the bakeshop from what I’ve seen. But yeah…. it sucks and Nick is all looking for a different job… which I can’t blame him for…. but I’ll so miss the hell out of him. God I want him so bad.
Also… the craziest story of this week….. I’m nice now. What the fuck. It was Dave Allard on Sunday night… and then Dick England tonight… I was all uber nice to him and even said he was the best at one point for labeling the reg-z’s. What the fuck is wrong with me? I mean…. really…. am I sick? Do I have massive problems…. I just can’t help it…… this desire to just be nice to people that suck and I hate….. I just can’t fight it. Maybe it’ll be good and motivate and shit…. but man… it’s just so weird. I mean… it all slips out and the I walk away shaking my head… going what the fuck did I just say that for?
Also…. the best thing happened on my break. There was this kid that just got out of his car and just started doing carts. Apparently his Dad was shopping and he was with his friend… they were probably like 15 since neither was driving. So the kid ran down like 30 carts in the couple of minutes his Dad was in there picking up like 2 things. I mean… he ran down every cart… not jogging… but flat out running. It was quite the spectacle…. I wanted to reward him…. but I probably only could’ve come up with evil rewards he wouldn’t have wanted. Though I totally would’ve given him a banana card if I could. Something about that sounds wrong…. just all giving him a “banana” card.
So…. for those who work at my glorious store… and for anyone who works for my glorious company… they should notice a nice new notice up that details strict guidelines for the new associate’s program and the possible consequences of abusing this program. Basically… they’re having problems with kids using their associate card on all their friends and stuff to get lots of discount… and such abuse will lead to terminating the employee’s discount. Worse… if deemed serious enough…. termination could result. It’s all… what… I get fired for using the discount you give me….. fuck you S&S. But I think the big problem came from some stores in Connecticut where cashiers would use their card on all of their customers without using redemption…. thus staking up massive points and getting huge amounts of shit free. That… is understandably termination worthy. Reminds me of all the kids that got fired at Pick ‘n Slave for not giving out all of the $2/$4/$6/$10 off your next order coupons that came with almost every order and then using them all themselves to get free stuff. I mean….. in both cases…. how stupid can you be to not realize you will get caught… and most likely will get fired.
Lastly…. it looks like tomorrow rocks. One… I have Thursday off… so when I get out… I’m off until Friday at 1 PM. Two… I’m not closing so I’m not there until midnight. Three…. my staff fucking rocks for my 2-7 shift. Chris McNamara, Alex Grotevant (whom I will be giving my special one on one tutoring on checks… since it has helped both Chris and Lily), Adam Campbell, Krissy Rocha, Lee, Tyler, Zack Farmer, Nick Storer (not on the FE… sadly), and Mike (His last name Begins SA… and then has an L a Y and H…. so some order….. Salyh, Saylh, Sahyl…. it is just the most confusing name). I want Mike to finish the cashier test if he hasn’t… and then I can hopefully get him on some register training. It’s just going to be awesome. I mean I get Dave Allard for 1 hour. Nick Gambaro, who I have no tolerance for, for one hour. Sadly my lovely Laurel will be leaving at 1 AM before I get there. But still…. this shift is actually going to fucking rock… I’m going to make sure it does…. unless Linda’s there busting balls… then there’s not much I can do.
1.You have 10 dollars and need to buy snacks at a gas station:
Diet Soda….. maybe some chips and a candy bar… depends on my mood.
2. If you were reincarnated as a sea creature, what would you want to be?
The Candiru….. because I am the definition of evil.
3. Whos your favorite redhead?
The cute boy that used to work in produce is the foremost redhead I can think of… and man is he cute. Mike…
4. What do you order when you’re at IHOP?
I haven’t been there since I was maybe 10. That’s 14 years. Fuck IHOP for being expensive and not nearly as good as Friendly’s or banana pancakes at Captain Elmer’s.
5. Last book you read?
Well…. Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman being awesome…. The Serpent Mage.
6. Describe your mood:
Just out of it.
7. Describe the last time you were injured?
Woohoo… Tendonitis in my right foot…. just a week or so ago?
8. Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with?
If Dan! is not freaked out… him… because he’s the most likely to keep me entertained for the longest time…. if he is freaked out…. I’d rather be stuck in their with Ratzi than put up with that shit and choose John… he’d just be all chill at it.
9. Rock concert or symphony?
Both! At the same time even.
10. What is the wallpaper of your cell phone?
I got’s a cute little woofie.
11. Favorite Soda?
Diet soda… I really don’t have a favorite.
12. What type of shirt are you wearing?
Black t-shirt.
13. If you could only use one form of transportation:
Flying… I would fly everywhere…. I fucking love flying… it’s just not practical.
14. Most recent movie you have watched in theaters?
God damn…. been a while… I guess 300 was the last one I saw in theaters.
15. Name an actor/actress/singer you have had the hots for:
Uhm…. just one? Right now Cole Sprouse and Joe Jonas are neck and neck for my affection.
16. What’s your favorite kind of cake?
Yeah… nothing beats a good cheesecake.
17. What did you have for dinner last night?
Some pasta with a homemade linguiça meat sauce my Dad made… it was good.
18. Look to your left, what do you see?
My bed and window.
9. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Uhm… yeah… boots don’t come off otherwise… though I do leave my sneakers tied since I only exercise in them and slipping them on and off works.
20. Favorite toy as a child?
I loved action figures…. of all kinds…. probably my x-men ones the most though.
21. Do you buy your own groceries?
I did, now I don’t, yet I do pick up stuff for myself… so kinda maybe.
22. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
I would assume so…. I talk about all my friends behind their backs…. most of it good things…. but if I need to vent about a friend pissing me off…. I feel I can. I imagine I’ve given plenty of friends much to vent about behind my back.
23. Whens the last time you had gummy worms?
Like two years ago maybe… I love gummy worms… now I want some.
24. Whats your favorite fruit?
Cherries or blueberries…. both are pretty tied…. I love both of them. Imitation flavoring and the real fruit.
25. Do you have a picture of yourself doing a cartwheel?
God no…. fat does not cartwheel well.
26. Do you like running long distances?
I don’t run. Fat does not run well either.
27. Have you ever eaten snow?
28. What color are your bedsheets?
Black… like my soul. With pillowcases that are red…. like blood.
29. Whats your favorite flower?
Even I’m not enough of a woman for that one.
30. Do you do ballet?
I listen to it…. God no I’d make a horrible ballerina. Fat does opera… not ballet…. though I can’t sing opera either…. which is too bad. I’ve got a fat theme going here.
31. Do you listen to classical music?
God yes… my life would be so sad without it.
32. What is the 1st TV Theme song that pops in your head?
Fucking Suite Life of Zack and Cody…. I’m addicted to that theme song…. it’s just so catchy.
33. Do you watch Sponge bob?
I’ve watched it for five minutes once….wasn’t impressed…. but to be fair…. five minutes is not really giving it a chance.
34. What temperature is it outside right now?
68o according to yahoo.
35. Do people consider you smart?
Well…. of course.
36. How many piercings do you have?
Each ear once.
37. Are you signed on AIM?
Yeah…. though I really don’t feel like talking to people now…. so I’m just chilling in case someone needs to talk to me.
38. Have you ever tried gluing your fingers together?
39 .How do you feel about your family?
40. Do you have an iPod?
I so so wish I did.
41. What time do you go to bed?
Anywhere from 12 AM to 9 AM…. I’m all over the place.
42. What CD is currently in your CD player?
My mix of lots of stuff…. heavy on the Thursday, SOAD, and DragonForce though.
43. What movie do you know every line to?
None…. though if I watch camp rock some more I might… I fucking love that movie.
44. What is your favorite salad dressing?
Parmesan Peppercorn.
45. What do you want for Christmas this year?
Uhm…. same as last year…. iPod?
46. What family member/friend lives the farthest from you?
Fucking me!!!! I live in fucking California away from everyone in a month. So… right now it’s my aunt cousins in PA… but once in CA… they’ll be closest and the farthest away will be my parents and brother… I am amused.
47. Do you like hugs?
I always want to hug…. but I have to resist that urge a lot…. guys get uncomfortable with it from me.
48. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Saturday night maybe.
49. What’s the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name?
Ostrum. Everyone spells it that way too. It’s Oh-strohm.
50. Last person you hugged?
I think maybe Laurel. I so wanted to hug Nick Storer for his shitty day… but Lee beat me to it.
Also… I couldn’t resist trying two new kinds of candy…. mint crisp M&M’s… which are good… and Candy Corn Hershey’s Kisses…. which are just the weirdest thing I’ve ever eaten.