Один дома по мичигански

Jan 28, 2025 09:02

BATTLE CREEK, Mich. - A police cadet serving a subpoena in Battle Creek was met at the door by a 5-year-old child with a loaded handgun.

It happened Saturday, Jan. 25. Police said the cadet came to the home just before 10 a.m. and a 5-year-old child with a large knife opened the door. When the cadet asked the child to have an adult come to the door, the child returned with a loaded handgun.

Краткий пересказ для невладеющих наречием - полицай принес повестку, дверь открыл 5 летний шкет с ножом. Когда полицай попросил позвать кого то из взрослых - шкет вернулся со стволом. Ну а чо такова?

murica, guns, cops, michigan, crime

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