First Day Back At OCC

Aug 22, 2005 19:28

Well I could say the 1st day back at OCC sucked, but that would be a lie...and it is wrong to lie lol.The first day back was amazing and I was so happy!!!!The only thing that I would really complain about is the ungodly hour that I have to wake up at to be on time for my class. I need more sleep, but I will survive. I think I am really going to enjoy my Audio/Video Production class.It seems very interesting....I am looking forward on how to use an audio board, I have always thought that something interested.Who knows maybe I can get an intership at B104.7 that would be perfect for me. I love music and country music is something that I have always wanted to get into.I was reading the syallbus for the class and the commentary assginment sounds very interesting.The book was $82 but the professor said we using all throughout the EMC courses.After classes I saw almost all of my friends today from last semseter it was great. I was really happy when I ran into Dougit was like we never were apart for 3 was so easy to talk to him again. Seeing John was also good. Of course it was great to see Feather and my Klepto Kitty and all of my other pit friends I wasn't able to see this summmer. Well I am going to get going because I have stuff to do.

Until Next Time

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