Hurricane Katrina & the assholes who said we had it coming.

Jun 18, 2006 23:13

As a hurricane Katrina surivor I am utterly disusted with some of the statements that came from the extreme religious right immediately after the storm. The news reported that some Christian religious enthusiasts believed that New Orleans deserved to get destroyed. They called it a city of sin that was in need of a wake up call. The city was wiped out for most intents & purposes. However, it was not destroyed & many of the dens of inequity that the right wing spoke of were spared while their neighbors were left flooded & ruined. Some people lost their possesions, some lost thier families & others lost their lives.

How can any god fearing Christian wish this upon anyone? And what about those people in Mississippi? Did they deserve to be demolished just for being located within a hundred miles of New Orleans? I have more friends in Mississippi that lost everything that I do friends in New Orleans. The city was bound to flood, yes. Does that mean that every resident was "stupid for living there" or "living in sin"??? No... some people grew up in that city & felt devoted to it to the point of risking their lives. Is there any shame in that? I dont' think so. Some people take pride in where they come from. Sometimes that means taking risks based on faith. Sometims it doesn't.

Bottom line, people need to quit making sweeping generalizations on subjects that they know nothing about. The outside viewpoint is just that... the outiside. You don't know enough about the situation or the circumstances unless you lived in New Orleans at the time of the storm. Nobody deserves to have their lives mangled like that. Mistakes were made, but I don't think that a finger can be pointed at anyone besides politicians. The local politicians were in charge of keeping the city safe, not the citizens. To those who could do nothing but watch & see your lives destroyed, I stand with you. To those who would judge a person who is already beaten down, I hope you get the same treatment when you feel helpless.
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