Jul 24, 2011 07:04
shit. coulda just lost a job over conspiracy. awesomeness. people speculate my involvement with pot and i am fired. righteous. i call racial profiling. store manager is a chinese immigrant. asst manager is a dot head. niggers and wiggers abroad. a gay doode. but its me that gets labeled pothead. after bein clean how many months now? hmmm october 4 will be a year. but whos counting. someone should shoot the world, cuz it seems to be surprise raping me, randomly, AND getting away with it.
well me frankie n myself are gettin outa joeys crib, cuz it got sold recently, and are looking for a residence. me and him might go into his parents house and pay rent there, as his parents move outa that house (the one me and frankie might take over) and into their new pad they hope to land here in a week or so. all of course assumin i get my job back. or a different one for that matter. n assuming frankies parents dont believe the lies at my job sayin i smoke pot. and was fired for thus. today will be interesting. ive got the truth on my side. but theres shitbags in higher places. you know how that works. i tell the truth, a cop says the opposite in court. guess whos wrong? not the cop. store manager is wrong and lies. doesnt drug test me. assumes im guilty, and is blindly making decisions. and i get exactly what i never needed from the entire situation. thank you. so very much. -__-