Today was incredibly dull. For a moment there was a brief mention of me filling out the paperwork to get me some $$$$$ and that was it - we didn't progress any further than that towards actually GETTING me the moolah. CURSES! Tomorrow I will have the balls to make them sit down and actually give a moment of their time.
I really wish I were more excited by the work i'm doing for them at the moment, but the site they have me working on is for a dull engineering company that has a shite logo and a stick shoved up their ass about their corporate standards. It's a load of bollocks.
Goddamnit there has got to be some sort of nightlife or night-y activities I can do around the area! I mean, it's fun hanging out with the hostelites and joking around, but I can't just do that every night! I want to get up get up and get out! (suggestions? anyone, anyone?)
And now, once more, I'll retreat to my room to do some reading.
(it's not supposed to be like this, right?)
at least the weekend is looking hopeful for excitement.
1. First Name: Angelique
2. Age: 23
3. Location: Dunedin, New Zealand for the moment!!!!!!!!!
4. Occupation: generally Graphic Designer, but for the moment i'm more specifically doing web design.
5. Partner: Yup - Nate! For once in my life while answering one of these dumb ass questionarres, I can answer in the affirmative!
6. Kids: HA! Only in Jess's dreams (lolz)
7. Brothers/Sisters: Two, Elise (younger) and Renee (older)
8. Pets: none to speak of at the moment, the minute i have a place of my own that's not Country Place I intend to have a doggie though
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
-Internship in New Zealand with eMedia/Blueprint
-Vacation in August to Australia (all by my lonesome)
-Last year of school at GVSU
-My relationship (lame sauce, I know)
10) Where and for what did you go to school for: I'm still IN school (technically). I go to Grand Valley State University in scenic (ha!) Allendale, MI - I am going to school to be an artist! More specifically when I graduate i'll have a BFA in Art & Design: Graphic Design emphasis
11) Parents: Gots two of them as well, mum (Patricia) & dad (John)
12) Who are some of your closest friends: Jess, Jackie, Nate (he still counts), Mikey (he also still counts), Lauren, Ryan, & Lena