Dec 07, 2007 18:51
Last night I was at Calder for three hours till 1am setting up my portfolio for review. It shouldn't have taken that long, but I kept stepping back, looking at it, and adjusting, and then stepping back, realizing something was crooked, readjusting etc. etc....
After I set up a majority of my work, I came back to my apartment and worked on mounting stuff and putting more stuff together till 4am...stumbled into bed, then made myself wake up at 8am so I could go in and finish setting up before my review at 9am.
I was so happy to discover that Vanessa (V) was working in Calder! She helped me put some last minute things up and we talked...then Chris showed up, then Lorelle and I had to say bye to V 'cause my review was about to start. Bill Hosterman was running a little late, but he showed up and we dove into the whole reviewing process.
It was a really positive experience. Yes, they still have issues with some of my work (I have issues with some of my own work), but they've seen vast improvements and can tell that i've learned a lot (even in just a couple of months).
After we talked in depth about my portfolio (primarily focusing on my new work - which they didn't COMPLETELY tear apart, only slightly), they kicked me out of the room to discuss whether or not I could pass. I went into the computer lab and talked to Kaylee about her review (which was goin' down after 1pm)...then I heard Lorelle calling down the hall for me to get back in the room. As I walked in, Lorelle had a big goofy grin on her face and extended her hand out to shake mine while nodding her head. Within .5 seconds I was elated. I have been suppressing so much fear and uncertainty about passing review and keeping a level head so that if I did fail I wouldn't be completely devastated, and knowing, KNOWING that I passed was an amazing feeling - FINALLY.
We all talked about where I was headed design-wise and things I needed to consider/work was all good. Bill and Chris took off and Lorelle sat around and talked to me for a while, and when she found out I wanted to primarily focus on book jacket design she told me that CHIP KIDD is going to be coming to give a lecture in the winter semester....CHIP FREAKIN' KID! He's only my graphic design IDOL and he's coming here! Lorelle said he wants to go check out the Frank Lloyd Wright house downtown and said that I could probably go along...I MAY GET TO SPEND AN AFTERNOON WITH ONE OF MY FREAKIN' IDOLS! FRICK YEAH! I couldn't contain my joy...seriously, first I pass review and then I get news that a very influential person in my life will actually be coming to lecture. AWESOME.
After I got the WHEEE out of my system from passing, I ran into V again and she gave me a giant hug and congratulated me, and it was really nice that someone was there to share that particular moment in my life with (though I wish all of my friends had been there, that woulda been inconceivable but amazing). She helped me take down my stuff, and then I headed back to my apartment for more WHEEE moments with possible dancing (restricted to my locked room of course), then I called my family to let them know and CRASHED into bed for a nap.
Now to celebrate i'm going to go hang out with some lovely ladies whom I miss quite a bit...completely disregarding the pile of shit I have to have done for Monday (at least for right now)