Title: Truth In A Lie
b_simCharacters/Pairings: GACKT/Hyde (Hideto)
Rating: R
Genre: AU, humour, romance
Summary: As a model, Hideto meets with many fakes and frauds. His life gets even more confusing when Gackt, a video game character, materialises in his world. Hideto wonders if anything is even real anymore.
Notes: I think I'm gonna have fun with this series. ♥
Disclaimer: Do not own GACKT and Hyde.
Shadows rushed past the floor and the walls quickly as cars drove past. Stifling a yawn, Hideto reached a hand out to where he knew his light switches were, turning them on. The shadows were immediately chased away by the bright light that filled the apartment, a bright light that usually would’ve hurt other people’s eyes but, to the model who was used to glaring lights and camera flashes from the many photoshoots he had attended, he found it almost dull. Nudging off his shoes, he left them on the floor next to his shoe rack - he felt particularly lazy tonight. Too lazy to even put them back where they belonged.
Walking into his apartment, he let his bag slide off of his shoulder and onto the ground before be took off his jacket, leaving it over the back of his couch. The sudden absence of his bag and jacket made him feel so much lighter and he almost moaned at the sensation. It had been a long, tiring day. Most people thought modelling was easy but it really wasn’t. You had to get into the appropriate poses and make the right faces and, sometimes, it took the photographer twenty shots to just decide on one. Hideto enjoyed the glamour of his job but it was tiring.
He took a look at the clock on the wall which told him it was eleven now. Though tired, he wasn’t sleepy and, since he didn’t have anything on the next morning, he didn’t see any harm in him staying up for a bit longer. He walked over to the CD and DVD rack which stood tall and proud next to his wide-screen television. He browsed through the several video games he placed there as well.
No, not that one. Not that one either. He had finished that one. That one’s boring. Oh god, that was just a terrible game. This was okay but it was getting too easy.
Hideto’s eyes then fell on ‘Saving Uthonia’. He had only played it about three times. It was an adventure sort of game where he had to destroy an evil sorcerer who was trying to take over Uthonia. Deciding that this would be his game for the night, Hideto took the disc out of the casing with ease, popping it into the game console.
A few seconds later, he was laying on the couch, video game controller in his hands. The game soon started, he picked up from where he left off and began. He smirked after his character, the protagonist of the story, a warrior named ‘Gackt’, finished off another pack of wolves. Those wolves were pesky.
Hideto played on for another half hour before his eyes started to droop close. It was when he was heading into another town and he was brought to a ‘loading’ page that he sighed and closed his eyes, deciding to rest for a while. The loading page was boring to stare at anyway. The sand in the hourglass in the corner of the screen wasn’t moving anyway. But, before Hideto knew it, the sandman’s sand was over his eyes and he was fast asleep, literally seconds before the new town in Saving Uthonia finished loading.
Gackt stood there on the screen, waiting for Hideto to control him.
Then the screen went black.
If Hideto hadn’t been asleep, he would have been cursing about how he hated these blackouts and how he was going to have to start the game all over again from his last checkpoint because he hadn’t saved his game. But, as fate would have it, Hideto was asleep.
But not all was peaceful. Unbeknownst to the model, another body was materialising in the corner of his living room.
“Wake up!”
Hideto’s eyes snapped open as he found himself being shaken awake roughly. With this much movement this early in the morning, Hideto couldn’t register much. He didn’t think about who could be in his apartment or why he was being woken up like this or even where up or down was. All he knew was that he was exhausted and some asshole was keeping him from his sleep. Groaning in slight pain, Hideto pushed away the other person from himself. “What the fuck…?”
His eyes widened all the way when he realised there was a sword at his neck.
It reminded him of his kendo classes when he had been in high school and how sucky he had been at first, losing to almost anyone and everyone. But then he thought to himself that, in kendo class, they didn’t use real swords.The feeling of being on the end of a real sword and a wooden was completely different. It was scarier, knowing that getting slashed at wouldn't just result in sore muscles and bones but torn skin and bood. Somehow, this was more shameful too, because he could see the fear in his own eyes in his reflection on the sword and honour and dignity were two things that had always been emphasised on in those kendo classes.
Slowly, his eyes trailed away from his reflection and up the sword to a hand wearing a gauntlet. His hands trailed up even more, resting on chain plates and armour. Hideto didn’t like where this was going.
Finally, his eyes reached the face of his intruder.
A video game was very much different from reality. But, with those profound pouty lips and buzz cut, there was no mistaking that this was his video game character, Gackt. It was definitely Gackt. Same armour, hair, eyes, lips and sword.
Said video game character was glaring at him, nostrils flaming.
“Who are you and where have you taken me?!”
Hideto stared for a moment, trying to take in everything - he had fallen asleep last night playing Saving Uthonia. He had woken up this morning and the hero of Saving Uthonia was now standing in front of him, holding a sword to his neck. Hideto wondered if he was drunk or high. But then again, he didn’t remember drinking any alcohol and he never did drugs.
“Answer me, imbecile!” Gackt yelled again, suddenly moving forward and holding the sword’s edge to Hideto’s neck instead of just the tip.
Hideto fainted.
Notes: Just a very quick prologue before I run off for school! It’s an idea I’ve been working on and I just can’t wait to really get started on it. ♥