Nov 08, 2005 17:16

lastt friidaayy // it sureellyy was the lasttt gameee // so i decided i was gonnaa go // after school val pickedd me upp an we b/sedd an went to sis housee an then went out to timmys an then back to sis houseee // then up to vals an me an val cooked tacos an me timmy an val ate 'emmm .. ann then i got readyy an they b/sedd aroundd .. then eventually after 24 yearss we leftt an went down n got amandaaa an we went to the ggammee .. where i sureeeeeeeeely saw viiccc :) well val pointedd at him an said he looked gooodd an then i saww himm an he suree didd ..

thenn val an timmyy leftt an me an amanda stayed an b/sedd aroundd // ann i took a siipp of kevinss hot chocolatee ann reeeally burntt my tonguee off haha // or atleastt it felt like ittt .. // but thenn we walked past vic everytimee we went aroundd an he was grilleenn the hell outtaa meeee // ann i jus waitedd forr him to talkk ... thenn me an amandaa was leavinn an him an his cousin an all his friendss came up behindd uss .. ann he came up besidee me ann i was onn the phonee ann he keptt gettin all closee ann all hiss friendss were behindd mee ann i startedd laughhin ann askedd him why hee was gettin aall cllossee // soo thenn he fell bacckk haha // then i got his nuuummbberrr an we lefttt :)

ann theee restt of the night was ttooo crrazzyy for mee ann i camee home an vic called a million an one timess // so i talked to himm .. thenn joeyy // thennn went to sleeeepp :)

satuurrdaayyyyyyyy // got upp all earllyy an went w/ my sisterr an nepheww< 3 too this little girls parttyy ann it was duumbb hah // ann i talked to vicc for a whilee .. thenn after the partyy we came to my house an b/sed for a whilee ann then we went outt to her housee // ann the whollee niighhtt was just ccrrazzyy // i freakin loovvee themm :) // joeyy surre did call wilddin' outt causee i dont ever answerr my phone for himm // ann he gets ssoo pissed offf haha // butt ohweelll .. my brotherr toldd him to stoppp callinn // ann he didntt haha // hess on my dick hhaarrddd but ohhwelll..

sundayy // chilled at my sisters aalll dayyy // then around like 6 or somethhin i came homee // an didnt really do nothhinn .. sooo that was myyy nnighhtt // ohh yeahh talked to chadd for a lill i thinkk // i felttt badd causee he was posee to come homee w/ mee the otherr dayy an i didnt go homee an hee diddd // haha .. ohhwell ..

yesstteerrddaayy // it was dduummbb // after school i came homee ann took my momm placess an then val picked me upp an we b/sed aroundd hahh ((: // then we went to sis an got ash an came to my housee an i went an picked up my sister an her friendd .. // then me val an ash went back to sis .. ann sis put tittiess on my phonee hhaa // then me an val picked up georgiee .. then went to her housee an ateee // ann i was crackkin' on geee haha :) ann mommss kept tellin me i was on drruggss causee i didnt have no makeuupp onn hahh // thenn vic called an i b/sed w/ him for a lil // we went to the storee an there was a mouseee ann i kepp yellinnn ''yalll gotta mousee in your fuckin stooreee'' ann finnnnnnally they came over to seee haha // nobody believeddd mee aha // then we just b/sed the rest of the nightt // thenn beforee she went to timmyss i came homee // talked to chad for a little whillee

thenn vicc calledd an we talked aaallllll nniigghhhtttt // haha // he's ssoo freaking funnyyy :) thenn joey calledd ann left me a voiceemaill an he was hattinn on meee haha // hess soo funnyy thougghh cause he getss soo madd when i dont wanna tlak to himmm // oh well thoughh // thenn i went to sleeeeeeep..

schooooooool toodaayy was ggrreaatt :) I gott hmm.. 2 saturdayss .. anotherr detentionn.. so now i have threee .. i got thrown outta my 2nd periodd an had to sit in mr hassons officee hahahah .. i justt lovee thatt schoooll soo muchh :) but otherr thann thatt i reallyy did likkee ittt // thee neww kidd in my history class is kinda cuutee // ann hess reall crazzyy // talkin' about hes gonna go backk to jerseyy ann get hiss creww ann come back ann runn altoonaa haha // woaahhh homiiee // it's all good thoughh // ann in chem my teacherr was electricuting[sp] peoplee .. ann i was holddin' adamss handd when he did it to mee an himm ann i jumpedd ann screamedd causee it was wweeiirddd haha

ann juneyy been actin a foooooool latellyy haha // commin outta his classroom trynnaa tell me some thinggss ann gettin cursedd out by his teacherrr haha // hes wiilldd

thennn i hadd detentionn afterr school which wassnntt cool at aalll // ann noww i'm homee chilleenn // ann my hand hurts from typin soo much so im outtiiee sprouttiiee :)
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