Oct 31, 2007 08:13
Dear Bob,
I sit here, and I should be well on my way to work but instead I sit here in tears remembering that god awful phone call last Wednsday. "Broken" is playing right now by Seether, remember? Vanessa doesn't even like listening to this song, it tears her up. I don't even know why I'm writing on this, thinking that maybe if your watching over your reading this.
I know I haven't seen you in a few months, and I totally don't even know what to say about that. I feel awful, but know that I tried to be there for Vanessa, but it was tough times Bob. But she was always welcome to come here, to call me at whatever hour, to just sit and vent.. and she did. I'll never forget my good talks with Vanessa about you, and how much she truly loved you. I really hope you know that now. She loved you more than anyone.
Thanks for fixing my brakes on my car again Bob, you saved me lots of money. And I never payed you with that case of beer, I'm sorry. But I'll have it for you. :)
Maybe this is pointless, but I just wanted you to know that I'm going to miss you and I love you just like my own father.
You truly are an amazing man.
Love always,