money and to-do lists

Jun 01, 2009 20:52

i never really gave the princess bride a chance. probably because the first time i saw it i was like 8 or 9 and it scared the living bajeesus out of me. but now i kind of get it. the quality of love and the subtly placed wisdom hidden in a sea of spoofiness and large rodents. It is really gory i must admit. but i almost feel ike the opposite of the annoying kid the grandfather is reading to...i want all the mushy scenes but hate the gory graphic nasty ones. blech. i never was the monty python fan.

money. i wish i had more of it. i paid like 170 for cats and have to pay 300 more for cats and then i have rent bills and possible car fix bills and 250 health insurance claims that my doctor won't pay for and geez i'm tired of commecials involving umbrellas. it's like GET A NEW THEME. 
but yea more money would be good. so i predict more hilbun in my near future.

in other news, i went swimming today. 20 min of laps back and forth. and i realized that exercise seems soo much easier in thought than in action. but it starts feeling good after you've done it, showered, and sit for a while, and then get up to move again. it feels like you're healthy and i like that feeling.

holy crap june is crammed full of stuff. it's like i rush through a given day to try to fit it all in the working hours because it's only during working hours that i can do most of the stuff on my to-do list. also i just write and rewrite my to-do list with the same stuff on it. over and over. i've done this at least 5 times already. sure, i mark like "did dishes" and "laundry" off. but does it count when the dishes need to be emptied and the laundry is sitting in the drier? so, on my new list i write dishes and laundry down one more time. and then all the other 9-5 stuff i need to get done tomorrow. thesis proposal to mike and jamie...i held off doing that today because for one i didnt have to go in as summer session 1 doesnt start until tommorrow and two i added edits to it. so write thesis proposal-->mike --> jamie -->June 9 Tuesday (the day I plan to present it).  next reads:

* mckenzie package
* sandra package
* mail packages

i give myself an extra cross off by spelling it all out. plus it doesn't hurt with the ADD plaguing me constantly and so much to do before july.
next is the liquor store. and not for liquor, for boxes and moving. and maybe a splash of liquor to help when packing because lets face it, packing sucks especially when it's 3290482094823x's the surface of the freaking SUN and the humidity isn't far behind. i grew up with gills but shed them in virginia. i demand them back immediately.

Next: file the bluecross blueshield claim. this one is tricky because i need the bill to file the claim...but if i go to the actual office (in columbus) i will have to pay the 250 out of my pocket. so i should call her tomorrow, get her to send me the bill so i can send it to bcbs and have them pay me to pay the ADD doc. Of course I also have to GO to columbus, so my "kill 2 birds with one stones" idea is nixed, do to stupid office monkeys who can't file a simple document for me. geez.

eh theres more on here but not really worth the townhouse, bug them about move in day and pet fees and keys and electricity. pay meg her hours she made while working the TA job for me. etc etc etc.  i should work on thesis stuff and pack pack pack pack pack pack pack. and then theres july. but we'll leave that disappointing little nugget for another day. fun but disappointing. you'll know soon enough.

i was going to say something else deep and meaningful here, but alas. the pool ate all my thoughts. OH THE POOL! i love swimming, but it's a treacherous pastime because you have more than one element to overcome. physically, as in any other sport, theres the physical stress on the muscles--the tiredness and pain. mentally, as in any other sport, theres the "holy crap i can't do's too hard...i can't breathe" thing you have to get over, to push through and succeed. but in swimming, unlike any other sport, there's the other physical task of overcoming death by drowning--and the whole breathing thing're holding in this air that you need to release because its becoming poison but you can only release it at certain times because you're effing UNDERWATER and you can almost feeel the carbon dioxide building up and taunting your lack of oxygen and theres no rythmn available because first you can make it down there in 2 breathes but coming back you need four then maybe three it's ALL OVER THE PLACE. this is why i was like "oh man, an hour swim pshhh i got that easy." yeaaah 20 min i'm done. but i must admit, its more enjoyable than running. man get me addicted to running and i'm great. but it's that uphill battle of becoming addicted that holds me back. that and the butthole of hell that is a mississippi summer.

when i was swimming tonight, i saw this beautiful, towering cumulus congestous cloud that was getting sheared off at the top with this thick, surprisingly consolidated anvil trailing to the east. It was white when i got to the pool about 7:56 pm. I watched it turn all the shades of sky--orange, cotton candy pink, finally turning to ashy dust gray. When i got tired of doing freestyle laps, i did backstroke and looked up at the sky...not at the towering cumulus--that was off to the west out of my vision--i saw thin, dark grey clouds above me in the shape of a bird--and i spread my arms and flapped and breathed and smiled the summer smile of laziness and peace.
and then i saw a bat and heard some rustles of people in mailboxes and deweys class came thundering back to me. so i did some ninja moves and walked back inside, admiring the cloudy ash-pile on the horizon. ah.

i watered eneth. he was thirsty but says hi! and sends his love

mkay. off to do at least three things on my to-do list. hahahah. yeah right.

p.s. Fallafull? no, FRIJOLES!!!! hahahahah love you.
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