So. . .little tiny update.

Dec 08, 2008 01:44

I bought new underpants and socks today. my feet feel awesome. I won't talk about how helpful the new underpants are. So, I am pretty much set, as far as clothing goes for the moment, barring unfriendly intervention by those damned underwear gnomes.

Though, I think I am safe, as mine are UnderPANTS, not underWEAR. All the same.

On a slightly more serious note. . .I am gonna try changing my eating habits again. I have gained a fair amount of weight since I moved here. Partly because our friendship circle loves its fast food. . .and partly because I am still pretty depressed about a lot of things, and unfortunately, the one "tic" I haven't been able to conquer from my past is self-diagnosing with food.

Whenever I get nervous, or upset, or bored. . .I eat. More than I should really. All the same, though, I think it is time to take charge of myself and my situation. I need to go ahead and drop some of next week's pay to buy nice, healthy groceries.

I am going to go back to the Phase 1 "Diet", for lack of a better term. . .it is pretty much a lifestyle change more than anything. Back when I was first on this particular path, I lost almost 40 pounds healthily in about 2 months. I was dropping weight like crazy, and feeling amazing because of it.

But, that is neither here nor there, as it is, in fact, not the week in question. I also have to take care of the phone situation this week. o.o ugh. . .things always seem to just dogpile me. All the freakin' time. . .I just cannot manage to get really far ahead.

But soon, with any luck, that will all change.

Also, while I am kinda sorta on the subject of serious content matter. . .what the hell is it about RPGs that make people feel they have to Win all the time? I mean. . . .seriously? It is a story, being told by a large group of people, all of whom are normally friends. The truly great stories, the ones everyone of our day and age remember and cherish are the stories where sometimes, in some instances, the hero has faced great losses and failures.

These stories are made more poignant by the fact that these heroes met with challenges, similar to what normal people encounter every day, only on a much larger scale. And they found their own ways to best them. The stories wherein people fail give realism, they give us hope, and in a strange way, lets us keep on truckin'.

So please, the next time your character has a contact die, or loses a home, or maybe even a limb, just remember, the more things you overcome within the character, the more powerful that character and story become, and those are the stories that will be told for months, maybe YEARS in S.D. or North County, or San Francisco, or anywhere really! Who knows?

We are the vehicles for our characters, and, after all, if we can think our way through their problems, and vicariously rise above difficulties through them, why can't we do it for ourselves?

Granted, we may not have Gifts, or Cantrips, or Disciplines at our beck and call to surmount our problems for us. . .but, we don't need them. Our problems don't require us to turn invisible, or manipulate someone's perceptions of reality. A lot of our day to day problems just require a combination of gumption, stoicism, and quick thinking to get through. And that is what makes us as a race so wonderful.

Sorry, I didn't mean to get Preachy there, but. . .I just wanted to drop my own take on the gaming situations I've been in. That's all. I mean no ill will to those who feel the need for such, and I don't think they are necessarily wrong. I just wanted to portray my perspective. And maybe philosophize a bit about the nature of humanity. As I am so wont to do this early in the morning.

Thanks for reading, Gentle Readers, and please, feel free to leave your beleaguered author your opinions.

As always,

Your Faithful Author,


gaming, clothes, humanity, philosophy

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