Today in a short review.

Sep 12, 2008 18:15

Well, to start it all off, saying today was mildly surreal is to say the ocean is mildly splashy. It never really seemed that I fully woke up. The day seemed to jolt by in parts, and then ooze by in others. It was really bizarre. I did a bit of really simple Lam work today, and we mounted some graphics onto Foam-Core, and cut them into circles. Then I set up the shipping for the Scantron Booth Job, and that took. . .well. . .an hour or so, all told, not counting making up the boxes and labeling each of them.

Shipping can be very tedious at times, much to my dismay, I assure you. Had to keep myself on painkillers all day, due to the fact that my muscle pain decided to come back in force. And it hurt like hell. My bosses were both in and out of the office almost all day, which was interesting. . .if a bit boring for me. o.o

But, other than that, it is a good day, I have the weekend to look forward to, I get a chance to recoup and breathe for a bit, and my workout regime with David Begins tomorrow. So, all in all, quite a bit to look forward to, and be excited about.

I also get to see my friend Con-Con tomorrow. . .and have to go to dinner with my family as it is my Uncle's Birthday. Ugh, well. . .there are worse things in the world.. ..

Like Ebola.

Thanks for listening, Gentle Readers,

As Always,
Your Loyal Author,
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