Mar 20, 2006 10:22
As some people know I've wanted to move outta my house and be out on my own. I finally found a room for rent with a friend of mine from school. The apartment is on Patterson Street in New Brunswick. Its a really cool apartment. I moved half of my shit in their yesterday. I just have a few more things like my bed and some other shit to move and I'm done. Hopefully I'll be done by tomorrow or Wednesday. Getting the bed up three flights of stairs should be fun but I'm going to see if my dad and his worker will move the bed for me.
It's so nice to have my own place and to be out on my own. I have no curfew. I have no one telling me what I can and can't do. My dad doesn't think that I'll make it on my own. He thinks that I'll fail and end up back home. I'm determind to show him that I'm responsible enough to be on my own and that I can handle it.