May 18, 2008 18:05
*shuffles in slowly with head hung*
Wow. 3 months. I suck. Hard. Anyway, enough about my many talents, on to the blogging!
So, what happened when I fell of the earth? Well, I *sucks in deep breath* lost my job, lost my computer, got a new job, got a new computer, worked too many fucking hours, saw Semi-Pro, joined Netflix, still worked too many fucking hours, mourned the loss of all good television, rejoiced the very brief return of some good television, watched New Amsterdam cause the guy in the commercial was hot and the show actually turned out to be kinda cool, saw Harold and Kumar sequel and wished I had some pot, saw Iron Man and rejoiced in the full-on assault of awesome, went on a cruise, celebrated my 4th anniversary, got all dorked up for American Gladiators and lost 35 pounds!!
That was a long breath.
All in all it's been a busy spring, and I feel really badly about disappearing without any warning. I miss all of ya'll and hope I'll be able to pop in a little more often. Unfortunately, I used to do most of my posting at work and I can't really do that anymore, but maybe I'll just have to focus on quality instead of quantity. In other words, I'll try not to suck.
Of course, there won't be much good television to talk about this summer, cuz all summer TV is shit, but...there's other stuff in life besides TV right? Or so I've been told.
real life