Someone Puked In My Head

Jun 17, 2005 21:05

Ello all.

I'm that guy who hasn't made a real post since April 30th. I'm full with pizza and sipping on a warm beer as I'm pressing these keys creating letters on the screen to form words for your enjoyment. Actually none of you will enjoy anything from this post as I feel the need to list off what the hell has been happening these... two months?

Shortlist Run on sentence time:

As some of you know I have a job that prevents me from doing anything as being out of my house 58 hours a week sucks when you try to cram anything else other than sleep into that time period. My job and I have a love hate relationship. I love to hate it and it sends me on interesting little adventures. So far I've gotten my truck stuck twice, kicked numerous dogs (that were trying to attack me) in the face, jumped my truck over a set of railroad tracks, been chased by and emu (yeah, one of those big crazy looking birds), had someone run out of their house with a gun to talk to me because of mistaken identity, I met a crazy old cat lady in Petersburg who had 37 cats and 2 dogs; only 26 kitties were there at the time of my visit, I also visited prison twice, attempted to steal numbers of puppies from people's homes and have been dehydrated more than any person should be.

So things that have been happening in the little time when I'm not working have been just as exciting, if not destructive. On a good note, Tim is engaged to Megan and I'm super happy for them.
Jimmy and I are going to the beach in a week after he gets out of surgery. Surfing and putt putt, need I say more?
Pat got into a car accident, totaled the truck, but hes ok. Kevin got into a car accident, totaled himself, but the car is kinda OK.
Caddywhompus is getting off the ground and I think I might be apart of it soon because Ryan likes a lot of my ideas and believes he writes his best stuff when I help write it.
People shouldn't let me get as drunk as I have been. Wait, I shouldn't let myself get as drunk as I have been, but I still blame everyone else.

I believe women are smarter than men, but I also believe dogs are smarter than women.

Ok I'm out. Bed time.

PS-Show here tomorrow at 4.
Three bands, BYOB, and wash your hands.
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