I turned in the worst paper I have ever written about three weeks ago. It never had a focus. It just rambled. An hour before it weans due I still hated it. I grabbed on whole paragraph and moved it two paragraphs away with out changing anything else. That's how much it had no focus.
Last night I thought about getting it back today. I figured even if I got a D I'd still have a C+ in the class I was hoping for a C so I could have a good shot at still getting a B.
What did I get instead?
A mother fucking B+. I don't get it. I don't feel it was deserved but do I go tell the teacher that and question her grading ability and throw away a decent grade. I feel I have to. That paper was shit. I've written better papers for her and gotten worse grades.
Anyhow I'm conflicted I should be happy but I'm not.