Sep 16, 2010 15:19
So I think I'm going to try to journal more. I realized this afternoon that I can't remember half the time what I did the day before... so maybe journaling more will be a good exercise for my mind.
So let's see what I can remember from this week.....
Sunday - Paul has been working on redoing our front walkway. It's made out of rocks that have been mortared into place and many of the rocks have been coming lose. So over the course of the summer Paul had spent some time out there tearing up a large section (about 16-20 ft) of the sidewalk with the intent to re-mortar it. So Sunday he was outside all day re-doing the sidewalk. It was past dark before he was totally done. He didn't stop for more than 5 minutes the whole time. I don't like it when he does things like that, because he gets so focused he doesn't even think about eating and barely thinks about drinking anything until he has to. But, he got the section done and it looks really good. He still has to grout in between the stones. But, now that he's done that he's convinced he wants to do the rest of the walkway and the porch. He's about 1/4 to 1/3 of the way done.
Monday, I didn't have a car most of the day. Mom borrowed it. I can't remember anything else about the day.
Tuesday, the contractor finally came back to put the windows in our sidelights. He showed up promptly a half hour late and took about 2 hours longer than I expected him to (based on what I'd seen of his work when he did the door). Then again he did answer the phone every time it rang (something he never does when we call him). But, it's done now. After he left I went to the chiropractor then stopped by Starbucks to meet my friend, Matthew, who I hadn't seen in a year. The powertools (the sound and vibration of them) earlier in the day had really messed my nerves up, so I wasn't doing really well by the time I got to Starbucks, and I think the short time I spent there used up what people energy I had in me for the day. When Paul got home we debated going out to get something to eat but I couldn't think of a single thing I wanted. So I sent him to play poker and stayed home. I eventually ended up making Apple bread pudding with left over apple muffins. I added peeled and chopped granny smith apples and more applesauce (which is what I'd made the muffins with). It took forever to cook down and I was starved so I grabbed some even though I didn't feel like it was done. It was just ok. I put the rest back in the oven and let it cook some more. When Paul got home I told him about it and he had some, he said it was great. I couldn't get to sleep and didn't sleep well that night. I think the girl at Starbucks gave me caffeinated instead of decaf :(
Wednesday, I had lunch with David. After that I picked up mom's cellphone and took it to Verizon to get her switched over to a new phone. My brother gave her my niece's old cell phone and mom was having real issues with using it. So we gave her my old Envy, which she seems to be doing a little better with so far. I wanted to stop and get groceries on the way home but I realized about halfway there that I just didn't have the energy to do it. On the way home there was a really bad wreck at Pulaski and University, right in the intersection. I was amazed at how people just ignored the police officer directing traffic. Since the wreck was right in the middle of the intersection, he had to direct traffic around it, but everyone wanted to just go when their light was green. He'd direct a section to go then when he waved to stop at least 5 cars would go on by. At one point a car stopped but then when he went to wave my side to turn, the car that had stopped went... had I not been paying attention to how much people had been ignoring him and gone when he said it was ok the guy would have hit me.
Last night we had our second Financial Peace University Class. This one was on how men and women relate differently to money. Nerds vs Free Spirits. In our house we are both about even when it comes to money, but Paul is definitely the nerd when it comes to budgeting and I'm the Free Spirit. I think he was annoyed not by realizing that, but by Dave's instructions to the Nerds to just do the budget and then understand that you have just 17 minutes to discuss it with the Free Spirit before they lose interest. The idea that he's got to do all the work, bugged him, even though we'd had this discussion before and he'd agreed to it when we talked about it. We are both trying to make it work. I'm trying to get into using coupons again. I've done it before and I know how much it can save us. I was at least smart enough to only buy the things we needed last night at the grocery store (we went after class) and then picked up two loafs of bread (because the kind I usually buy was BOGO at Publix). I signed up for to get their emails and print off coupons for things we normally buy. On the way home we stopped at Hardees and got a burger. I figured I was eating it at home so I could just eat it like normal and not worry about having it all in my braces. Evidently vanity is not the only reason I've been avoiding foods I have to bite into. I could tell when I was eating it that it was too much for me, and I think it might be part of why I feel so rough today.
Today I woke up feeling like crap. So tight and tired and achy. I was moving and thinking so slow that before I knew it was already after 12:30 and I had to get to chiro and I hadn't walked or showered. I got on the treadmill and tried to walk but everything hurt. I felt like my feet were burning and like my big toes had blisters on them (they didn't/ don't), so I only lasted 1/4 mile. I showered quick then headed to the chiro. Driving wasn't easy but I got there. Chiro did accupuncture after my adjustment. He's been doing that regularly and it seems to help a lot more than the electro TENS thing. Today it hurt; I find that on days when I need the acupuncture the most those are the days when it hurts the most.