Jul 26, 2010 18:25
Been trying to journal daily again. This time regarding what I eat/do and how I feel overall, rather than individual issues. I've been feeling crappy for 3 weeks now more often than not. Friday morning I was doing pretty well until I ate lunch (Long John Silvers) and then almost instantly starting feeling crappy again. Getting my hair did only aggravated things as it involved sitting for so long and a lot of strain on my neck (lots of foils as I went mostly blond). Saturday my neck was still stiff but overall I was doing ok. We went to our friend T's birthday party Saturday night and were out late. Sunday I felt awful! Could barely get out of bed. Today I was feeling good again until after lunch, then the nerve pains started again. It was about an hour after lunch this time, and I think it may not have been food but rather possibly weather as that was about the same time the big storm was moving into the area. It was bad enough I called my Dr again and moved my appt up from the end of the month to tomorrow. 3 weeks of feeling like crap and not being able to work is just too long.
I did some searching last night and figured out that what I've been referring to as "Muscle spasms" are not spasms but twitches. Spasms are basically the same thing as cramps evidently. What I feel is as if my muscle or nerve is a rubberband pulled taut and someone is pulling on it and letting it bounce back. That instant snap followed by the reverb, over and over again all over the left side of my body.
nerve pain,