Jan 15, 2007 06:13
Just finished my application for a teaching job. Been working on it for the last three hours. Sooooo impressive!!b Sent application, cv, supporting letter demonstrating all my experiences and skills....I rock. :)
Anyway,lately all I been tryin to do is get my sleeping clock back in order...as you can see without success. :/
Watched 11 episodes of Heroes...so addicted! And eerie indianna...thank james for that one... and the oc...just gotta download one tree hill cos I wanna burn it to disk...unless James...have u downloaded them or did u just stream it?
So tomorrow I gotta go to the bank and get a statement and set up my direct debit again, and then continue to look for a job.
I've been listening to this Paul Mc Kenna Hypnosis tape and I really think it's begining to affect me...am being way more productive than usual...even my room is tidy!! lol
My mum went crazy on the phone to me yesterday. She thinks I'm becoming a bum basically, and that it's a waste of money paying rent when i dont have a job, or when I have a job but not a good job....
I get it, she worries about me and she wants me to have a good job. I tried telling her that just because i have a journalism degree doesnt mean all i can do is journalism, that I want to further myself even more and I want to teach, that regardless of what qualifications I have, If I need to pay rent I have to work in a coffee shop or something similar, that travel is just as important to me as a career....
but mum will never really understand. She thinks i should move home, go on the dole... that it's better than what I'm at now. To me that would be a nightmare...loss of independence, loss of pride, loss of friends...basically loss of any sort of life.
I have managed to travel round the world, have cool jobs AND further my education EACH time...why cant she just trust in me that I am doing the right thing?
ANyway, Shane came on phone and I was upset but hid it as well as I could, then mum came back on phone and she was nicer and apologised for yelling...she said she just wants whats best for me... I just wish she understood that what was best for her, what was best for amanda and barry, for my cousins, ...is not what is best for me. I KNOW I am gonna succeed in life, I have faith I can experience life to the full AND further myself in my career, education and life in general. I guess it's gonna have to be proven by actions rather than words. Bottom line I think she just misses me and wants me home.
Suppose I should try and sleep....