I'm still alive...

Jun 08, 2005 21:12

I hardly think anyone actually reads my entries but hey, for the one person who might or might have at one point, I'm still alive. I have just been moving around a lot and have had a lot to do in the past couple of months. Lets take a look back shall we. I lived in Tucson, I overdosed, alomost died, met my soulmate Justin Bowdoin, then moved to Oregon with him, lived wih his parents for a while, had a miscarriage while living up there, moved down to California to live with my other side of my family, and now am going to have a baby.
Yeah I'd say that on top of other daily activities, that is a lot to deal with. So I found out the other day that I am pregnant. I was so excited to tell Justin but at the same time for some dtrange reason I was scared. But of course I told him. I told him I had an early Crhistmas present for him. He is just as excited if not more. He tells me that it is going to be a boy. I ask him for a specific reason for his comment, considering the fact that we wont know the sex for like four more months, he says that with the way his luck is since he wants a girl we will have a boy. Whether it be a boy or a girl i will be thrilled to be a mommy.
The people that know already, my boss and my supervisor, and some of my coworkers, ask me if I think I am a little young to start a family. I realize that a lot of couples don't have children until they are around thirty, but as I am a person with Marfan's Syndrome, it would be very dangerous for me to have kids at that age. On a quick overveiw, MFS is a condition in which all connective tissue is naturally weaker in my body. Connective tissue covers tendons, ligaments, and all blood vessels. So with a lot of MFS patients, the aorta at the heart or in the stomach area often becomes so weak it will dialate to an unsafe diameter and will eventually rupture. Not a very fun way to die but I figure I have everything in my life right now that I could possibly need to be happy. I have my life to live with my freinds and family, I have my wonderful boyfriend who I would give up my life if it ment he was okay, and now I have a baby on the way. I try not to think of the possibility of dying prematurely and leaving Justin alone to raise our child, but I pray to God everyday that He will grant me life long enough to see my kids grow up.
There is a chance that i may have twins. Twins run in three of the four family generations my child will inherit genes from. Justin's mother carried twins but miscarried, my dad's grandmother had twins, my grandmother's aunt had twins. And in most of the cases, the twins seemed to skip a generation which means a new set of twins is about due. If I were to have twins it would be a very ahrd pregnancy on me. I would have to monitorred constantly and would have to be bedridden for most of my second trimester and like all of my third. Bed rest is fun when you get to sleep and stuff but when you have to lay there for months and only get up to go to the bathroom and walk around for a couple of minutes a day, that would suck.
But we'll see what the future has in store for how many children I carry at one time. For now I have to go get sleep before I go to work.
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