Oct 27, 2010 12:15
So for the first time on a school day I'm freezing my ass off at somewhere that isn't a classroom or a lecture hall. And it feels great. Currently at starbucks now doing PW (my first bloody priority for this whole week) and I'm doing OP slides now. Next to me there is a table of six guys who from what little snippets of their conversation I can overhear appear to be from JC1 (who may also have skipped school lollllll unless there is any school that happens to have a holiday on today, in which case lucky bitches). They are pleasantly distracting and have so far talked about the ACJC sex video, hot girls, hot tennis girls, hot track girls, and food.... I guess that's what guys talk about when they're alone with other guys. And their food smells really good - they're at NYNY by the way, not this bloody overpriced starbucks with no good savoury food _|_
Nevertheless today has been a wonderful day so far. I woke up at 10am for the first time in a looong time (even on weekends I don't get to sleep in) and slowly ate breakfast and slowly made my way over here... doing things slowly is really enjoyable. School life is way too fast paced for comfort.
Oh yeah. Before moseying over to starbucks this morning I was looking for a book to read on the way here. So I went to the third floor where all my beloved books are kept and chose The 101 Dalmations - one of my favouritest childhood books. I'm aware there is no such word. But anyway I did something then that I guess I probably do all the time but just don't take notice because it's so normal for me. I flipped through the book, chuckled happily, and then skipped downstairs. Which led me to a realization - little black words (Times New Roman, if you please) on a background of (slightly yellowed) paper make me happy. It doesn't make me happy in the one-off way good results make me happy, or the slightly prolonged happy that I get when I talk to cute guys. It's the mild background extended happiness that I feel when I know that I can always find refuge in a book no matter what time or where I am. No matter how condescending I sound, I feel really sorry when people I know dislike reading books. It's so easy to pass time when you read books - a few hours are gone at a shot (very detrimental to my studying cycle) but so, so rewarding. Everyone should try it.
Yesterday was mostly a good day all around too - slightly tempered by the 1.5 hour bio tutorial that never fails to piss me off. Bio used to be one of my favourite subjects, but not anymore... and I'm really not sure why. Nothing to do with the marks I get, I just dislike studying it now. Back to the point; I skipped the CCA awardees talk after school yesterday and went back to get food (the only good part) while waiting for Hngw to finish. Bus-ed to Cine to queue up for Eat Pray Love but didn't succeed in the end (hahaha addie *cheeeeeeks*) so harrassed the counter girl a bit on what to watch, in the end settled on Life As We Know It. It was a great movie and it was highly amusing hving Hngw next to me making sick jokes out of everything - "That's hugeeeeeeeee" T_T and everything else. It got pretty emotional at the end - I was tearing - and I quite liked it.
Then rushed homeward to Ice Cream Chefs only to discover that my friends were not there.... but its k it might have gotten a little awkward. Anyway, it's time to get back to PW, and then training later. And I forgot to bring an extra shirt from home T_T
Have a good day v^_^v