Jul 04, 2008 19:16
when i was in college i led nightly meditation sessions where i would generate a field of energy and those who were present would begin to entrain to it. after the session i would make tea for everyone while they all talked about their experiences and asked questions.
on the last day of our fall semester, just before i took off for the canyon in Hawaii, the kid that lived next door to me told me that he felt he missed an opportunity by not being part of the group, even though he had been invited numerous times. he asked me if i would sit with him and transmit my energy to him, to which i scoffed. i told him that i wasn't going open him up on the last day of school because he hadn't demonstrated any commitment over the months by showing up or doing anything with the rest of us. "i'm not a fast food joint" was a phrase that i used at some point in that talk.
and it was during THAT discussion, with me being all superior and whatnot, that he opened up to the energy. completely spontaneously. the energy ran cold through his head, his spine, and his hands. the energy that emitted from his palms felt like a cool breeze with static electricity.
the energy in me is strong, but it doesn't belong to me. it was a humbling and worthwhile lesson.
today he's totally committed to his natural spiritual path, independent of me. and i definitely consider him my brother. but the reason i write about him today is because he's coming to stay with me for a few days. we haven't been in touch a whole lot, but we always seem to stay connected.
i'm looking forward to our communion.