Dec 28, 2007 13:27
i grew up believing the police to be terrorists. they were an oppressive, occupying force in my neighborhood. children were getting shot for playing with water guns.
when i was a teenager i decided to become a terrorist. the glory and power one can have as a gang member was just too seductive. of course, at the time i never thought of myself as a terrorist, but rather a soldier. i wore my uniform with pride. my colors were symbolic of beauty and strength. to this day i still love the way red looks, even though i actually look better in blue.
i saw an old friend the other day. during our conversation we got into politics and i asked him how would he describe the profile of a terrorist. everything he said, EVERYTHING, was a mirror image of himself. but before i made that point i asked him what he thought of the torture of 'terror suspects' in guantanamo and abu graib. his general attitude was, "fuck'em."
it's no wonder why there's so little public outcry when 'suspected' gang members are brutalized.
i told him that he was a terrorist by his own definition, and if he were ever abused or murdered by the police most people would think "oh well, fuck him." he didn't like that too much. the conversation wasn't subtle, but i guess he still didn't see it coming. he nursed his beer for a couple of minutes while i began talking about the meaning of peace.
"but that's cool, though, bra. that's cool what you doin'."
he changed the subject.