May 30, 2004 22:33

WHAT THE FUCK..w-t-f..double you tee eff.. i turn on tv and i see a money order commercial for yellowcards album its like one of those fuckin work out videos...damn theres this half dead bee floatin around stuck in like a zyplock bag makin an anoying buzzing sound...TIME TO KILL damn i just took like a 3 pound hole puncher to that son of beehive sorry erin he asked for it that buzzin was drivin me crazy...nehows well im makin plans with ppl and im postin more cus im actually havin fun for one summer..till report cards are mailed out :-/ nehows fi any of you mother lovers wanna chill email drebootnbroskows@hotmail.com, aim: mizxsparklesxocx, cell: 321 947 8533

get at me ninjas
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