Another story, via the BBC (link courtesy of snr):
So there's a medical condition that mysteriously appears after six years and 11 months that requires immediate return to one's country of origin for treatment. /snark
I'm not sure which excuse they gave is worse. This new excuse seems less arbitrary, but makes the Poeteray family (yes, they released the name) appear completely unfeeling instead of just insensitive and selfish. Why? Because how exactly is she to get medical treatment for this alleged condition as a ward of the state in China? I would think she'd get better medical attention with a family watching out for her needs.
Of course, this all assumes that the Poeteray's aren't just flat-out lying, and I'm disinclined to believe in the veracity of any statement they provide at this point.
(Oh, and the baby girl is named Jade... real creative, folks.)