Sep 07, 2008 01:06
So the game was spectacularly AWESOME! Oh my gosh! The first half I spent next to Tayler, my super hot drill instructor, which was great fun. And the second half I spent next to Gio, about four or so rows back from Robert. And at one point he was right on the other side of Brooke (who was on the other side of me) and I about had a fit.
But that's not all! We played Get It On in post-game, and suddenly I saw this saxophone come pelvic-thrusting past me, and I thought it might have been him, but his back was to me, so I wasn't sure. But then he turned around and moved back down the sax line, and by the end of the 8 bars of pelvic thrusting, he was right next to me. So I played the rest of the tune with Robert right next to me. HOLY. SHIT. I almost died.
That's complete hyperbole, but I was so excited I did slip up more than usual. I figured he'd move away from me at some point, but he didn't. The entire rest of the song. Oh my god. It actually put the hope in me that he remembered me from last week when I talked to him, but I really doubt he did. I said hi to him this morning after practice (in the rain...for three hours...whee!), and asked if he'd seen the flutes (I was trying to find Stephanie), but he didn't look like he recognized me at all. I will say this though: three hours of rain and he just had a white tshirt on. Oof. Caitlin made a vomitous face, but I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud. It's kind of infuriating that I'm doing the same thing I did all through high school, where I fall in love with the idea I've created of someone I think is attractive without even knowing them. And it almost always ends with my relization that that person is not nearly that great. Really, I could deal with that last bit, but what bugs me is that it's the same thing I did the last four or more years, and I know it's not like people move into their dorms and are suddenly different people, but I don't like to think that I'm the same as I was in high school.
Anyway, that was very exciting for me. I'm still trying to pretend that he didn't tell me about Anne. You'd think that, being that they aren't dating yet, I wouldn't mind as much because it means there's still a chance, but frankly, it just means I have to wait even longer for him to break up with her. It sounds cynical and nasty, but I really don't want him to be unhappy. I just wish I knew him better. Of course, I say that, but if I was friends with him, I'd just say I wished I was closer to him. It really doesn't stop until you hit dating...
I honestly would go to a band party or something after a game. Just that all the guys I know who go to those parties are dating someone, so it might be weird, or they're freshmen, and therefore not helpful at all because they don't know anybody. Not that all freshmen aren't worth knowing, just that I feel I'd do better with a handicap like having an upperclassman with me.
I need a party buddy. Blah.
Oh! But Caitlin's boyfriend came to visit tonight from Tech, and now I'm jealous. Not of him specifically, I just want a cute boyfriend. Preferably Robert. I know I should just give up and lower my standards, but I'll be honest, I just don't want to. I feel like if I need to lower my standards to get a boyfriend, maybe it's just not worth it. I just don't think my standards are so ridiculously high.
I saw your eyes just roll. I know...
But oh my god! I just remembered! I swear, this is going to sound horribly cheesey, but I honestly think it's the most beaufiful band tradition I've ever seen or heard of. After the game tonight, the trumpets from NCCU and the MRD trumpets all got together in the center of the field and played Band of Brothers. No joke, it brought tears to my eyes. I've heard the trumpets play Band of Brothers before, and it was beautiful, but I never knew it was their end-of-game tradition. It was such a beautiful moment, and I wish the mellophones had something even vaguely similar. It makes me wish I were a trumpet.