So I was going to post some stuff on fictionpress, but I can't decide what genre they are. So I'm slapping them up here in a cut. Feel free to read them and let me know what you think. Or feel free not to. Whatever floats your boat.
I Will Be Home Then
The hand holding the letter began to shake. With a cry, Colleen fell to the floor
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For number two: I think you read it then, too. It was originally called Rudolph, when all of them were just titled after their main characters (more of a Spoon River type deal). Same deal with the length. I kind of had that problem a lot with almost everything I was writing at this point. Again, I just wasn't sure what else to put in. I'll try some of those things, though, and see what comes out.
I think I agree with you on most of the points for Esther, too. When I wrote it, it seemed alright, but now it feels really awkward.
I think most of the problem I have with these, especially in length, is that I can't type as fast as the story gets played out in my mind, and after a certain amount of time, I get really sick of it and just want it to end.
Props for Spoon River. I need to actually sit down and read the whole thing--that's public domain by this point, yeah? -scuttles over to Project Gutenberg-
I know what you're saying, alot of times I just stop when I get sick of something. Then I forget what I was thinking of doing, so I've got a really fun four pages of...plot-less dribble. Just don't abandon the story. Keep poking it with a stick until it breathes something halfway worthwile.
And yeah, Spoon River's public domain.
This comment is an excuse to use another icon. :D
And your layout. I want one.
I got the layout from someone in
they usually post the code to for it too, so you don't have do the whole "GLOBAL HEAD JUNK JUNK SPAN A CONFUSED" Yeah.
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