Oct 03, 2005 21:57
i decided a few months ago that since i'm not doing a hell of a lot of partying right now, i should use this year or so of non-fun to improve myself. thus,
my list to improve myself:
1) work out six days a week - i'm a little better than i was when the school year ended, but i still haven't regained the muscle mass in my arms, the definition in my stomach, the thickness in my neck. plus this time i have to incorporate a running/leg program. yipes. my easiest goal in that regard is to be able to run a mile without my lungs burning.
2) practice the guitar - who doesn't want to play the guitar? i figure use the bowflex plan of "this ridiculously easy sounding amount of time a day" for "this ridiculously few amount of times a week" might actually work this time. actually, how about 20 minutes a day every day of the week? that's how i learned trumpet. bowflex users are pussies.
3) do some writing each day - i've bullshitted and said i was a writer since i was about 19. now i've decided to actually do some writing. i'll do a review of a film, album or tv show. i'll fiddle with poetry. work a little bit on a short story. anything. and blogs don't fucking count.
4) read more - well, duh.
5) learn another language - i promised osiris the mexican that i would know how to speak spanish the next time i saw him. thus far, i haven't had to make good yet on my promise. but time grows short. now i just have to find a spanish textbook. or maybe i could start with the italian textbook in the front room. close enough, right?
6) get handsomer - done and done
7) insert suggestion here
i suppose it's a tall order. but, i can do it?
i mean