May 05, 2004 17:35
i wish there wasnt so much unnecessary stress in the world.
i wish pain could be compeletly eradicated.
i wish my life was normal.
i wish i had extrodinary talent in something.
i wish people would stop expecting me to shoulder the burden of anything academic.
i wish i had love.
i wish i could live a carefree life, even for another couple of months.
i wish i didn't have to become a grown-up at 17.
i wish people could take more things in stride and not take everything so seriously.
i wish the successful governments of the world would aid poor countries without declaring war on them.
i wish tyranny in its modern form (not the original form...the original Greek form was a-ok) did not exist...aka totalitarian regimes.
i wish people would not feel the need to insult others to feel better about themselves.
i wish people could see the beauty in this world.
i wish people did not feel the need for a "quick fix" for every minor problem they face.
i wish people were not so close-minded.
i wish people did not think that their way was always the best way without trying something new that could be better.
i wish the world did not leave me with so much to wish for.