Feb 16, 2009 23:54
-Seriously I need to man up and tell my coworker how I feel about her
-Need to snap back at my over controlling micromanagiing boss
-Bring that Vamosi mean streak when needed
-Find the time to get workouts back in
-Get my computer figured out because I hate bringing home/using this work laptop
-Look into what is going on in the months to come
-Work on my tennis and rowing media guides
-Continue to be me because its seriously not an act of being a classy/generious/kind guy
-Drink for happiness not over anger and etc etc
-Get to the point of running outside
-Not hold a grudge over this meat-head of a guy from Rhode Island
-I will always find a way to be bitter which isn't healthy but its been like this 25 years
-Continue to hold out hope for the Suns/Royals/Sharks/Chiefs not drag me into sadness but bring joy to me
-Almost baseball season
-My trust is a thing you want
-Yeah I hold alot of information and find out alot also
-Anger will be the emotion listed when I wrap this up
V Away!